konungsmörk (ON) noun

Forested land belonging to the king (of Norway). In Grg Misc 248 it is stipulated that Icelanders had the right to cut wood in these forest for any purpose. According to the later Bjarkeyjarréttr (q.v.) (III.2, NGL II:199–200), The King’s Forest was to be used as a resource for building ships for national defense.

king’s forest OIce Grg Misc 248
ONorw MLL Lvb 2

CV s.v. konungsmörk; Fritzner s.v. konungsmörk; Hertzberg s.v. konungsmörk

  • ‘konungsmörk’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/2788