konongsgarþer (OSw) kunungsgarth (ODan) konungsgarðr (ON) noun

Farms managed by the king’s representative, which contributed to the incomes of the crown and functioned as stops on the king’s journeys and as the king’s treasury. In OSw, presumably part of upsala öþer (farms of the Swedish Crown, see öþer) together with husabyar (see husaby), and in ONorw related to the institution of veizla (see væzla). Appears in the laws as the occasional place for announcements (see lysning) (ODan ESjL) or for deposits of disputed purchase sums (OSw SdmL), but more often mentioned as the recipient of certain fines or compensations (OIce KRA, ONorw FrL, GuL) and valuable finds (ODan ESjL, SkL). Most often, though, in ODan ESjL, VSjL, SkL, ONorw FrL, GuL and OSw ÄVgL, YVgL, a place to which certain criminals could be sentenced, in ODan SkL explicitly called slavery.

king’s court ONorw GuL Mhb
king’s estate ODan VSjL 87
OIce KRA 8
ONorw MLL Mah 4 Llb 28 Rb 2

king’s farm OSw ÄVgL Tb
OSw SdmL Jb

king’s household ONorw FrL KrbA 10 Var 13
king’s manor ODan ESjL 3
ODan SkL 130, 133, 151, 164

Cleasby and Vigfusson s.v. konungsgarðr; Hertzberg s.v. konungsgarðr; KLNM s.v.v. kronogods, kungsgård; Nevéus 1974, 71; Schlyter s.v. konongsgarþer; Tamm and Vogt, eds, 2016, 36

  • ‘konongsgarþer’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/2776