kasnavargher (OSw) kasnavargr (OGu) kaxnavargher (OSw) noun

Literally presumably ‘kindling-evildoer’, referring to an arsonist. In ÖgL it appears among the kunungx eþzsöre (see eþsöre), crimes against the King’s Peace, and is defined as an arsonist with the intent to kill, who could be punished by being himself burned alive and losing all property. The same punishment applied in UL and VmL, if the arson resulted in a killing, which, however, did not define a kasnavargher. DL and YVgL did not require deadly outcome, but the arsonist was still severely punished, in DL forty marker and in YVgL forfeiture of land (meaning perhaps the right to live in the province or realm, or on his landed property) and movables. In GL used exclusively as a punishable insult.

fire-wolf OSw ÖgL Eb
homicidal arsonist OSw DL Bb
OSw UL Blb
OSw VmL Bb (rubric only)

murdering arsonist OGu GL A 39
tinder-wolf OSw YVgL Rlb Refs:

Elmevik 1967, 9ff; KLNM, s.v. mordbrand; Lexikon des Mittelalters, s.v. brandstiftung; Peel 2015, 175 note 39/3; Schlyter 1877, s.v. kasna vargher; SL GL, 285 note 1 to chapter 39; SL ÖgL, 51 note 50; Wennström 1936, 270–74, 301

  • ‘kasnavargher’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/2646