frændbót (ON) frændbætr (ON) noun

Compensation paid by the kinsmen of a killer to the equivalent kinsmen of the victim. This type of compensation was abolished in Norway in MLL (IV.12; X.2) in Iceland in Js (Mah 29).

compensation OIce Mah 1
kin-compensation OIce Js Mah 29
ONorw FrL Sab 11, 18
ONorw MLL Mah 12, 22, Llb 58

wergild to the kinsmen ONorw GuL Mhb Refs:

CV s.v. frændbætr; Fritzner; Hertzberg; Jørgensen 2014; KLNM s.v. böter; Riisøy 2009, 65

  • ‘frændbót’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
