12 February 1644
Abel Ashworth
Alcohol Retailer: Innholder
Manchester, Lancashire, England
Henry Neild
Chamber over the Great Parlour
1 standing bedstead, 1 feather bed, 1 bolster, 2 pillows, 1 blanket, 1 caddow, curtains, 1 valance £3
1 truckle bed, 1 mat, 1 cord 2s 6d
2 wrought chairs, 6 large wrought stools, 3 little wrought stools £1 10s
1 sealed press, 1 sealed chest, 1 table, 1 court cupboard £2 3s 4d
2 gilt cushions, 2 needlework cushions, 2 cupboard cloths, 1 carpet 10s
5 pictures 2s
Chamber over the Hall
1 standing bedstead, 1 feather bed, 1 bolster, 2 pillows, 1 straw bed, 2 blankets, 1 caddow, curtains, 1 valance £2
1 truckle bed, 1 feather bed, 1 flock bolster, 1 coverlet, 1 piece of a blanket 16s
1 long table, 1 sealed chest, 2 little stools, 1 back chair, 8 old wrought cushions £1 6s 8d
Little Room
1 half headed bedstead, 1 flock bed, 1 feather bolster, 1 blanket, 1 coverlet 10s
Chamber over the Kitchen
1 half headed bedstead, 1 flock bolster, 2 blankets 10s
Chamber over the Little Parlour
1 standing bedstead, 1 feather bed, 1 straw bed, 2 bolsters, 2 pillows, 1 blanket, 3 curtains, 1 valance £1 13s 4d
1 chest, 1 desk, 1 trunk, 1 box, 1 little stool table 13s 4d
1 Scottish carpet 2s 6d
1 Hackney saddle cloth 9s
Great Parlour
1 standing bedstead, 1 feather bed, 1 flock bed, 2 bolsters, 2 pillows, 2 blankets, 1 caddow, curtains, 1 valance £3 10s
1 truckle bed, 1 table, 1 little cupboard £1 6s 6d
3 backed stools, 2 other stools, 1 twigged chair 10s
1 portal all of sealing or wainscot 6s 8d
1 window cover, 2 wrought cushions, 1 close-stool 5s
1 looking glass, 14 pictures, 4 coats of arms, 1 fire iron 13s
1 round table, 1 sealed bench, 1 great stool, 1 joined stool, 6 thrown chairs 13s 4d
1 pair of virginals £1
1 glass case, 6 china dishes, 2 stone jugs 3s 4d
1 stag's head, 1 chronicle, other books £1 2s 6d
6 old set cushions, 6 other cushions 5s
1 fire iron, 1 fire shovel, 1 pair of tongs, 1 cross bar of iron, 1 carpet 14s 4d
1 lawn sieve, 1 other sieve, 1 reel, 2.5 pounds of yarn 4s
4 hogsheads, 2 barrels, 21 bottles 10s
2 throws 2s 6d
2 little barrels, 1 earthen pot, 1 twigged basket, 1 tun dish, 1 loose board, 1 beef tub, beef 18s 6d
1 little press, 1 bench coffer, 1 shelf board, 1 joined stool, 1 lantern 10s 8d
1 great fire iron, 1 pair of tongs, 1 pair of pot-hooks, 1 brandreth, 1 pair of great racks, 1 pair of golberts, 1 fire shovel, 4 spits, 1 cleaver, 1 pair of iron hooks, 1 smoothing iron, 2 skimmers, 1 pair of pot racks, 1 iron bar £1 15s
1 turn spit jack with a lead weight, 1 brass boiling pot 6s 8d
1 brewing pan, brewing vessels, 1 new half hoop £3 11s
1 half headed bedstead, 1 little table 8s
Little Parlour
1 standing bedstead, 1 feather bed, 1 straw bed, 1 bolster, 1 pillow, 1 blanket, 1 caddow, 3 curtains, 1 valance, 1 window cover £2
1 truckle bed, 1 flock bed, 1 bolster, 1 blanket 10s
1 table, 1 tablecloth, 1 form 6s
2 chairs, 3 cushions, 9 pictures, 1 looking glass, 1 little fire iron 6s 8d
161 pounds of pewter, brass pots £5 3s 10d
2 brass kettles, 2 old skillets 4s
1 warming pan, 1 copper or brass basin 5s
1 beam and scales, lead weights, 1 alembic 15s
Turf House
1 chest, turfs 5s
Chamber over the Turf House
Odd lumber 3s 4d
Bulks to lay hay on, 1 beam, scales, 1 pitchfork 12s
16 pair of sheets, 1 pair of coarse round sheets, 7 pair of pillow-beres £5 8s
12 diaper napkins, 5 tablecloths, 23 old napkins, 3 old hand towels £1 3s 8d
2 pair of gold weights, 52 pounds of cheese 9s
£55 6s 2d