The Hartlib Papers

Title:Draft Letters, Hartlib To ? & To Oliver? St John
Dating:undated & 16 November 1644
Ref:7/27/16A-17B: 17B BLANK

Worthy Sir and truly Honoured
<the discourse concerning correspondencie j <[only?]> [communicat?] to your owne contemplations>
     [By?] [deletion] the <[other?]> adjoined[deleted?] [Role?] you will see what course is begun to bee taken for the encouragement of some part of my Agencies. <Truly> the[altered from The] hope of <[what?]> [what?] these Spiritual [deletion] <Spiritual [illeg.word]> hath beene very [louely?] [deletion]<to> former generations [in?] so [2? illeg.words] that <[another?] [illeg.word] man of [illeg.word] (j meane> Sir Edwyn Sandys).bold to publish the bespeake the [word deleted] <himself beene pleased> [long agoe?] published <to the world> his judgement and affections <of it> in these words -- The [land?] (of these vnhapy -- Thus farre hee in his [2? illeg. words] or a view of the State of Religion in the western parts of the world. I confesse that to [live?] in such a way is both vncertain and tedious yet because it is a fit meanes to oblige Men to the dutys of holy Communion about this subject, therefore j am not loath to present myself thus to be an object of Public<privat> Benevolences. For j haue<gaine> two special advantages by it. The one [illeg.word] to the Worke the other to myself. The advantage which the Worke that by this meanes the Men of [best?] repute are mooved to thinke vpon it, and if they become Contributors either of Spiritual or Bodily

Talents towards it, they will bee inqvisitive after it and speake of it to others, which is one of the principal requisites to set forward the effect therof. The advantage which j receave by it is that j am by this meanes exercised stil to live by faith and not by sight in depending rather vpon the Providence of God then any certainty amongst Men for my subsistence in [these?] <[illeg.word] and [deletion] [illeg.word]> [proceedinges?]. These are the Causes why [j?] <[word deleted]> [am? altered] not yet wearie of this course [3? words deleted] God <[2 words deleted] which [by?] better [2? illeg.words]> [illeg.word] <and mooue [deletion]> the State itself to countenance [deletion] in a more publicke way<manner> those blessed Endeavours and support <more fully> the Expences <requisit> for <[5? words deleted]> [illeg.word] Printing Writing and [Bestowing?] [4 words deleted] <[by?] the> [revennues?] of some [deletion] Prebends Deaneries, and [illeg.word] or the fauor of a Publick Collection which might bee proposed and ordered both sine nomine and eo solo nomine for Agency in the busines of Reconciling Protestant Churches.
Thus beseeching <the> God <of all grace> to strengthen [you?][in?] [spirit?] more & more in the loue which you beare to his Churches and the ways of Vniversal Edification <craving pardon for this [deletion] prolixity & boldnes> j take humbly my leave remaining alwaies
               Worthy Sir [&?] [truly?] [illeg. word]

                    Mr St John
Right Noble and Worthy Sir
      the continual renewing of your most affectionat and constant care for mee that haue never beene able to deserve the least fruits of any benevolences at your hands, maketh mee ashamed of myself when j thinke vpon the accumulated<great> heape of Benefits which you haue bestowed vpon mee these many years and now the addition of the 2 golden fauors and <especially> those most cordial<christian?> [offers?] in a most kind Letter to mee which vtterly confound mee, not knowing what to say or doe in testimonie of thankfulnes <or> towards you. Sir j can give you nothing but a sincerely devoted heart vnto your Services vpon all occasions, and that j will faithfully expresse in the presence of Him who beareth all our burdens and <before> whom wee can meete daily one another daily in Prayers. that Hee would bee pleased both to reward for mee that which you haue hetherto done to mee for his sake which j cannot requite; and also blesse the fruites of the seedes of your righteousnes in a special Providence and gracious Direction over you in all your Wayes that in the great trust and places wherin Hee hath set you the amiablenes of your Integrity Prudency Discretion and Godly behaviour may more and more shine forth to his glory your owne comfort

and the <vniversal> good of this and future Ages. As for my necessities which you [would?] haue set downe in a few <concerning which you desire to haue a> words <from my hand me>) they are like vnto Joseph Coate of many colours or [word deleted] but j had rather that others [word deleted] <should speake<show> them or rather the variety of my [deletion]> who haue had large Experience of my publick-privat (as j may so call them) imploiments, [deletion] who can speake out of their owne experience what they know of mee or <haue> found from my hands for the promoting of vndertakings of a publick nature. I haue <the [copys?] of> a whole volume <of [letters?] lying by mee> which haue been of such written encouragement <lying by mee> written in the behalfe of my Persons and those nobler Aimes wherin i haue laboured to <beene [word deleted]> spent <all> my life and substance
but let those if those <the [illeg.word]> [deletion] finde favor in your sight or eyes and<or in [blot] [illeg. letters]> those<those> to whom you shal thinke [2 words deleted] to confide the perusal of them ..
          There will bee <j suppose> no need) of any further<more> [2? words illeg.] communications. Sir j shal not faile <God willing> to waite vpon you according to your desires<app......?> at some [evening?] or other, who shal remaine as long as j breathe
               Right Noble and Worthy Sir
                    Your most obliged and assured
Duk. the great open          servant
Court the 16 of Nov 1644.