The Hartlib Papers

Title:Draft Letter, Hartlib To Joseph Hall
Dating:24 [June?] 1645

My Lord
     The bearer hereof hath Mr Corsell hath given mee an happy opportunity to present my [word deleted] regards not only my bounden respects but also an excellent object of publick Edification to your verie hands and eyes. Some of the Printed Papers here adjoined are true Copies of the Letters which have beene interchanged between his Majesty the great Clergy of Poland and the Reformed Churches of Prussia the great Dukedome of Lithuania and of the [illeg. word] kingdom concerning a [solemne?] <Religious> Conference to bee kept at [Thoron?]. I have caused the same to be printed here upon my owne charges (for the Stationer doth resume the whole impression upon mee despairing to sell any number of them) that they may bee the better imparted to the worthies in several stations. For the matter is of a rare <choice> president [letters deleted] and deserves to bee taken notice of by all the Churches of God. My Lord the Christian World hath many years agoe <[deletion]> taken special notice of your Excellent <pious> Zeale [breathing] in your [deletion] <learned> Writings (some of them having beene translated into several <[divers?]> languages) [2 words deleted] <with great [2 words illeg.] wherby you have given faithful> witnesse vnto divine Truth against [word deleted] Papal Errors and [illeg. word] which puts mee (or emboldens mee) vpon another weighty duty [...?] which I am [pro....ed?] <by others>. For I am extreamly [importuned?] by another in the name of <[3? words illeg.]> a chiefe senator of the [Crowne?] of Poland a Re formed Protestant to obtaine some <what> assistance [deletion]

[written over a sheet used for writing practice; the underlying words are not transcribed:]
<I can> from hence concerning those weighty overtures.
My Lord there is none so qualified to gratifie them [herein?] as yourself because your [3? words deleted] have made a deepe impression the <spirit and style> of your [formed]? former Workes Labours hath <[illeg. word] have> made <[3? illeg. words]> [deletions] <if it [shall?] please the [illeg. letters]> <left margin: if the God of all grace et mercy shal bee pleased to adde his seale) (as I [word deleted] told you after by word of mouth) impression upon the vnderstandings and affections of very many) in highest [relation?] and places in that Nation as well Papists and<as> Protestants? [word deleted] as for the Churches there they desire [illeg. word] [mainly] to bee instructed how they should carrie themselves in this matter as how to proceed in that Colloquium etc. In [Response?] Ord. Evangel. Synodus [Orlensis?] Extendes only ad [terti...?] [s.....?] [inclusione?] post tempora [Apos.....i?] [Puritatem?] [lutæ?]. My Lord I beseech you [give?] let my find favour in your eyes so farre as to oblige (by resolving these and other Queries and cases) to yourself <vpon these [common?] preoccupations> [the world?] [letters illeg.] [God?] in these partes of the world. The Addres [Ins.....s?] and addresses j leave to your owne wisdome and discretion. The [illeg. word] of Leyden have transmitted <imparted> their judgement which a [Confederanda?] [sup.?] [epistola?] etc.   But if you would [2 words deleted] [inserte?] my <[deletion] [illeg. word]> [thing?] to the King of Poland [himself?] (who is a very rational and gallant Lord) I know dare assure you it will bee [resented?] with a more favorable aspect then you are aware of. Whatsoever <in this kind> you shal bee pleased to entrust mee withal you shal have God willing a <very> [punctual?] account of it. Mr Corsellis [means?] to [stay?] for 8 or 10 days Norwich. If within that time any [meditation?] vpon that subject could

bee made ready j would desire no better messenger to bring it. If not, the ordinary posts and conveyances from Norwich to London will serue the turne. I have nothing to adde more but great and serious wishes that the [hearts?] of all [princes?] might bee thoroughly busied with the Study of Publick Peace with all Men soe farre as may bee! The Author of the Anonymous <vnknown> Letters is that blessed Agent [deletion] Mr Dury [deletion] and [previous sentence crossed through?] >
          Good Mr Dury is married to a <most> fit and blessed yoake-fellow, as by their owne Letters you will see more at large. Shee is Sir Robert Kings sister and [deletion] was formerly married <wife married in Ireland to one of> my Lord Moores sonns [deletion] as j take it. Thus craving pardon this prolixity and wishing you all spiritual & [Temporal?] prosperity j take humbly my leave remaining alwaies
+ direct [any?] [Pathetical?] [dissuasive?] from the [home?] of that Romish Strumpet, which is now grown so very old and ugly,
                         My Lord
Lond. Dukes-place             your truly [respectful?] &
in the great open court              assured servant
   the 24 of [Iun.?]
           1645.                             S.H.
[left margin:] To the Right Worshipful and Reverend Ioseph Hall Doctor. in Divinity and Bishop of Norwich