The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Petition In Scribal Hand H, Hartlib To King Charles Ii
Ref:7/19A-19B: 19B BLANK

     To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
     The Humble Petition of Samuel Hartlib, Senior
  That Your Majesties Petitioner ever since he came into this Kingdome, hath sett himselfe apart to serve his Generation in the best objects
First, by Erecting a little Academie for the Education of the Gentrie of this Nation, to advance Pietie, Learning, Moralitie, & other Exercises of Industrie not vsuall then in Common Schooles.
  Secondly, by giving Entertainement & becomming a Sollicitor for the Godly Ministers & Schollars, who were driven in those dayes out of the Palatinat & other Protestant Churches then laid waste; by which meanes
  In the Third place, Your Majesties Petitioner found an opportunitie to maintaine a Religious, Learned, & Charitable Correspondencie with the Chief of note in Forrain Parts, which for the space of Thirtie Yeares & vpward he hath managed, for the good of this Nation as well in Civill as Ecclesiasticall concernments (as is well known to most of the Leading Men of all Parties) by procuring vnto them
  1. Rare Collections of Manuscripts in all the parts of Learning, which Your Majesties Petitioner freely hath imparted, transcribed, Printed, & sent to such, as were most capable of making use of them.
  2. The best Experiments of Industrie practised in Husbandrie & Manufactures; & in other Inventions & Accomodations tending to the good of this Nation, which by printing he hath published for the benefit of this Age, & of Posterity.
  3. A constant Reliefe (according to his ability) or Addresse for poore distressed Schollars, both of this Nation & of Forreiners, who wanted employment, to recommend them to such as could make vse of their service.
  4. A constant Intelligence in matters of Piety, Vertue, & Learning both at home & abroad, with those that were best able to concurre therein, for the good of Mankind in all respects.
  Now Your Majesties Petitioner having continued in this Course of Life for the Space of Thirtie Yeares & vpward (without partialitie serving all ingenuous Spirits indifferently) & in these great & strange Revolutions, beeing destitute of support to continue this Kind of Negotiation, & in his sickly Age to maintaine himselfe & his Family, for the relief of which & of his Agency, he hath been forced to contract Debts, which in the ende will sincke him, except some gracious Aspect bee shewed vnto Your Majesties Petitioner from Your Majestie as the Great Monarch of Pietie & Learning.
     May it therefore please your Majesty Petitioner in consideration of the premises, to take your Majesties Humble Petitioner vnto Your Majesties gracious Consideration, that he may find from Your Majesties Goodness & Bountie some relief in this his distressed Condition, by being freed from his Debts, & put in a capacitie to continue his service to the Publick, to advance in his Generation the best objects for the Vse of Mankind in all kinds,
                    & Your Majesties Petitioner
                    as in duty bound, shall ever pray
                    for Your Majesties long & happy
                    Reigne over vs