The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Testimony For De Berg In Scribal Hand ?, Henry Gellibrand & John Wells
Dating:27 June 1634
Ref:71/12/11A-12B: 12A BLANK

          Anno 1634 Iunij 27o
The right honourable Iohn Christopher lord of Bergh in Moravia hath Communicated unto vs whose names are vnderwritten Two severall modells of instruments now newly devised by him, the one for mensuracion, vsefull for Surveiors Cheifly in plotting of provinces & kingdomes and may bee also Commodiously vsed for mannors and lordships, the other for sounding of depthes in rivers & Channells of the sea vsefull for navigation, by which wee Conceive land may bee measured & depthes sounded more speedily and Certainly then by any instruments heretofore vsed, he hath also some other inventions for weighing of suncken vessells sunke in the water, for docking of ships and launching them againe out of the dock, which may bee very vsefull for shipwrights, by which he vndertaketh to performe what wee desire with the Tenth part of the charge both of men & materialls that are now commonly vsed All which Inventions being very vsefull for the Commonwealth & proceeding from soe honourable a person, wee held it fit (being earnestly requested therevnto) to give this testimony of our approbacion vnder our hands, the rather because it may bee

hoped that if he receive encouragement from those many like profitable inventions may flow from the same fountayne./
     Henricus Gellibrand Astronomiæ Professour
     Greshamensis          Iohn Wells./

[hand Y:]      Proposals for several
               mechanical Inventions.