The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy In Scribal Hand ?, Worsley'S Proposal For Saltpetre
Dating:undated [C. 1646],
Ref:71/11/8A-11B: 11A, 11B BLANK
Notes:Further copies at 17/11/12 & 17/11/14.

          Propositions in the behalfe of the kingdome
               Concerning Salt-Peter./
It is evident, from the seuerall Complaints, heretofore presented at the Quarter Sessions of diuerse Countyes: and from the many annoyances felt within this City of London: And the sundry Peticions formerly put vpp to the Houses of Parliament against it. That there is nor hath not beene scarse any greater or more generall greivance and oppression to the subject throughout the whole kingdome: Then the abuses done and Committed by Salt-Peter-Men and their Ministers, in that way hitherto vsed of makeing Salt Peter, Notwithstanding that by reason of these warrs, and of the necessity of the said Peter, and of an Ordinance thereto Commanding the murmurings and repinings of that kinde haue lately beene repressed and hindred./
Whereas by a new way of making, or producing Salt Peter, I will not only free the whole Common-wealth of the trouble or injury susteyned in haueing their Houses Cellers yards and other places digged vp and spoiled by Salt-Peter-Men; And discharge the subject likewise of the burthen and pressure in taking away their Carts at pleasure, To recarry to and againe their vessells and materialls, and that without levying of Fee, taxe or stipend vpon them in liew of the said Benefitts; But will my selfe further be at Charge, to set and mainteyne diuerse of poore people both aboute the Country and City at worke, Paying the [catchword: (ordinary]

ordinary rates for such things as shall be needed./
Through the greate expence, and necessity of Salt-Peter, in this kingdome, wee haue alwayes beene forced, to make vse of the favour of other Countryes, There buying at sometymes, at greate prices, and runing the hazard of the sea for it./
Whereas by this way I will vndertake to excuse the kingdome of that Charge, and more conveniently to furnish it from within it selfe; with as much as it shall need: And also to afford it somewhat better, and at more reasonable rates, then commonly sould at. Accommodacions of noe meane Considerations either to the proffitt of the subject, or security of the Kingdome in Case of Forraigne difference or invasion/
By this new way of making Salt-Peter I will ingage my selfe not to intrench vpon the libertie or infringe the iust priviledges of any subject whatsoeuer (that hee now enioyeth) in the least degree or measure./
               Motions to the City
That whereas the incouraging, and inviting of all sorts of manufactures with the endowment somtymes of speciall priviledges, for the introducing a Commodity of [catchword: (any]

any advantage to a kingdome, hath beene a Maxim ever observed by all, well seene in the Rules and pollityes of State. And that this being a new Manufacture, or Invencion, serving to the improvement of the Materialls of the Land: To the setting of many poore in the kingdome at worke To the removall of diuerse greivances and inconveniencyes from the subject: To the producing a Commodity in plenty that is now wanting, and of all others most necessarie in the Common wealth; without any Charge to the Country, or the least damage or disturbance to the estate or person of any. May therefore challenge the Right of being Countenanced with a Charter, to the Introductours with their Successours, And of their being Corporated a Mystery by it selfe, vnder the name of the Misterie or Corporacion of Salt-Peter-Makers: And to haue confirmed by Act of Parliament, Broad-Seale or both, All such priveledges and immunityes as shall be convenient to the furtherance and incouragment of them, Not exceeding the Lymmitts in all such Cases appointed and provided./.
     And whereas it hence likewise seemeth vnquestionable, But the nature of the thing thus fittly tending to the generall advantage of the kingdome; would of it selfe, purchase fauour and acceptance in the houses, although propounded even but by strangers; And that the reasona-[catchword: (blenesse]

reasonablenesse of what is desired, carryeth a Ground to beleeue it will be granted./
     Because the said Charter may after some yeares, prove of valew, and concernment, And that the Proprietor of the said Invention knoweth noe way better to discharge his Conscience and Duty to the publicke./
     If the City shall please to ingage the Countryes soe farr as to Remonstrate the sense of their being affected with the generall greivance of the subject, and the Complaints made against Salt-Peter-Men; both heere and in most shires and Countyes within this kingdome: And to represent to the Houses the benefitts also, before specified, that will arise from this new Invencion, And therevpon moue for a Charter in the behalfe of it. It is offerred
     At present (the Charge of the Worke once defrayed) To allowe gratis Threescoore pound weight of Salt Peter vpon euery Tunn as shall be made, toward a generall Stocke, for the better mainteyning and setting on worke the poore of the said City; And at the end or Terme of some certaine yeares To invest or interest the said City wholly in it, as the Successours in the said Charter, A sixteenth parte only reserved, at the disposall of the said Proprietor. Conditionally the said Proprietor may haue security, the Gayne or result of the [catchword: said]

said Invencion or Charter, shall be wholly ymployed and Converted vnto such an vse or vses, as shall be proposed, and vpon debate by the Court of Aldermen or Common Counsell found, to be most for the advancement of the publicke, wealth and good of the said City./
     Because the brute or rumour, being once spread of the Cityes vndertaking a worke of this nature, may haply bee an occasion, to blowe vpp the hopes or fancyes of proiectings witts, to offerr and boast greate things to them. For the tryall and detection of such, and Iustification of my knowledge in that which I propose, As alsoe of my selfe, That I goe not about to establish my owne good by injury, or with Carelessenesse to the good of others. I further voluntarily offerr. If there shall be any that dureing the setting vpp of the said Workes, from a presumption of their knowledge therein, shall vndertake, and answer, those questions, without the solution of which, the nature of Salt Peter can never bee discovered; and which euery one haueing any excellency in this kinde, must needs be able to resolue. I shall not desire to appropriate any priviledge, But to be very ready to admitt any of such a worth into a part with mee, as farr as the merritt of their Ingenuityes shall require./          [catchword: (It being]   

It being provided, when the workes are once sett vpp, or begun, This offerr of myne shall then determyne, and not hinder my prosecucion of any, That (either by observing my Workes or corrupting my servants) shall arrogate my Invention to themselues, Thereby takeing liberty to preiudice me in my Rights./