The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Extract In Hand ?, [Dury] To [Hartlib?]
Dating:14 August 1642
Notes:Turnbull (HDC p229) suggest to Hartlib. Copies at 6/4/135, 6/4/139 and 6/4/143.

                   Hague 14/4. August
The matter which I have mentioned concerning the Prince Electour Palatin was imparted vnto me by him whose Name yow have had to be marked with [gap in text] He is authorysed by the cheife men that intend the worke of a Party in Bohemia to sollicite assistance from them. His Plenipotence vnder a great many seales I have seene, & the way how the busines should be caried in due time is agreed vpon, only they waite for a fit season to appeare, which will not be without the Prince of Transilvania & the Prince Electour, if this can be made any way considerable. The soldiers of Sweden come only to fetch a prey, & in those parts to weaken the Emperour: nor should they that yow speake withall imagine that Ragozi would engage himselfe. If he should appeare, he must have neighbours to go along with him whose strength is neerer at hand then Sweden is to Transylvania: therefore let not that be an argument of discouragement but rather of encouragement that Ragozi doth not appeare, because it is more answerable to the plot that he be quiet, although the Swedes prosper then[altered from that] that he should joine with them: for if they should be beaten or retire, which in end they will do, then he should be left in the lurch. As for the Prince Electour Palatine he will be lookt vpon as the head, because his inte- [catchword: -rest]

-rest is the same with that which others would seeke to advance viz. the Liberty of Conscience & Priviledges of State. I could wish that he might be so farre assisted as to retire into Denmarke to live there till matters were some way or other composed in Great Brittaine. For by this retreate he would be free from the Iealousies of both sides, & somewhat neerer[altered] the occasions that may fall out & the Party that is framing: only he must be able to subsist there like himselfe. And me thinkes his wel=willers could easily supply him with so much, & beleive it the Parliament cannot do a better turne for themselves then to weaken the Austrian designes in Germany. For the Pope & Emperour bestirre themselves to trouble matters in Great Brittaine cheifely for this end to divert yow from medling with forraigne affaires. Therefore to disappoint them of their plot, it would be very expedient to give encouragement to those that in Germany will be ready to shew themselves <left margin: zealous> for their Liberty of Conscience & Priviledges. It is the depth of their policy to fortify a Party in Great Brittaine against Protestancy to disturbe the quiet thereof: it would be in like manner a mighty advantage for vs against them, to give them so much ado at home, as that they shall have little Cause to thinke of disquieting vs. Howsoeuer things shall fall out amongst yow hereafter the entertayning of this motion is necessary for the [catchword: Palatin]

Palatin affaires & must not be let fall to the ground, if by any meanes it can be vpheld, seeing it is apparent that a Providence is still working for the restitution of that Howse; & that by the restitution thereof the Protestant Cause will be maintayned, & without it be restored, there is no hope to keepe the Liberty of our profession entire in Germany, & if there it be lost, it will be every where els assaulted & diminished by plots or open violence as opportunity may be offered. Therefore to conclude I affirme that there is no readier way to free themselves from Iealousies against the Prince Electour, & Him from straits & inconveniences wherein he is harmlesly & inevitably wrapt as long as he stayeth in England if broiles continue, & to helpe the Cause which they would advance, which is true Protestancy in the Churches, & in their owne State security from Austrian plots & attempts: I say to gaine all these ends, there is no better nor expedite meanes then to furnish the Prince Electour with considerable assistance to go abroad in Denmarke & Germany to attend the occasions which will be offered to him in the present agitation & change of affaires. I pray yow let them consider that in this Councell their owne safety is many wayes interessed &c &c.
These Reasons yow may vpon occasion debate with them, & entreate them not to hinder their owne advantages & [catchword: the]

good of their Friends with superfluous Iealousies.//