The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Letter In Hand ?, John Dury To The House Of Commons
Dating:2 July 1641
Ref:6/4/111A-112B 112A BLANK

Right Honourable
Since my peticion was presented vnto the howse by Sir Thomas Rowe. I have not thought it discretion to vrge yow that it should be read, because of the other waighty matters which have taken vp your tyme: nor doe I now Come to presse any thing in this Kind vpon yow but leaving the tyme & manner of taking my sute into Consideracion vnto your piety & wisedome: I am desirous with all dutifull respect humbly to give notice that since the busines of Ecclesiasticall Reconcilement will Certaynly be layd to heart by the Generall assembly of the Church of Scotland (as I am assured by the Commissioners & Ministers of the Scottish nation who are here) which shortly is to be held: & seeing in Holland also the Ecclesiasticall meetings wherein the matter will be agitated are now to begin within a weeke or two that therefore & for some other private occasions I am resolved to go for Holland hoping within a moneth to be backe agayne in this place, if god permit to attend the Issue of your favourable resolucions in my worke & to give your Honours Informacion of that which shall be done elswhere. In the meane tyme I thought it would <H: not> be amisse before my departure thus to refresh the memory of my sute by renewing & giving in agayne my former peticon that whilest I am absent it may not bee forgotten but rather read in the howse & referred to the Comittee for matters of Religion, least when other Churches are prepared & ready to advance so necessary a purpose a stop might arise from hence that in your grave meeting never any thoughts have as yet been had of it. therefore to prevent this Inconveniency I have taken the freedome thus to make my addresse humbly vnto your Honours, beseeching

yow to take it in good part that as a faythfull servant of Iesus Christ in the protestant Churches & an impartially zealous sollicitour of the meanes of Evangelicall peace & vnity amongst the same; I am loath to neglect any part of my duty Cheifly towards this Church & State whereof I am a member. & vnto which all Protestant Churches & States have at this tyme deferred a great respect not only in this worke but also in all other publique affayres tending vnto the safety & prosperity of the protestant Cause. The Lord direct yow in all your Counsells to his glory & Crowne all your endevours with all happy successe tending & ending to & in the temporall & eternall felicity of every one in private & of the whole Church & State in Publique
Thus I take my leave & rest
                           your Honours
                           Most humble & dutifull
                           sutour in the Cause of Christ
                               Iohn Durye
London: this 2. of Iuly
Anno. 1641

[Hartlib's hand:]
         To the Honorable the Knights
          Citizens and Burgesses of the
           Commons House of [Parliament?].
                    these bee presented