The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Letter In Hand ?, John Dury To Mr St. Amand
Dating:5 May 1640
Ref:6/4/49A-B: 49B BLANK

                   [Hartlib's hand: To Mr St Amand.]
Worthy Sir
I am a debter to your love more then I am able to expresse For I see that you thinke more effectually of mee then I am able to doe of my selfe or of my duety vnto you in acknowledging your freindly care for mee For when I wrote thankes[altered from thakes] to my L [Wharton?] for the benevolence which you procured for mee at his hands I should then at least <H: have> taken notice of your paines & affeccion with a word or 2 vnto your selfe But then allthough I could have done it yet I did it not because my thoughts did lye somewhat deeper towards you then to vtter a simple affeccion of thankefulnes I did intend to retribute something in my way for the fulfilling of my promise made long agoe vnto you And indeed I did begin to pitch vpon the first generall Rule delivered in the latter end of my last discourse vnto you. But twice or thrice beeing interrupted[altered from intterrupted] by the ordinary Causes of my knowne distraccion which is a yoke of Superfluous attendance whereof I hope shortly to bee Free; and perceiving that whiles I did differre that which was instantly due & could not performe that which my heart did suggest vnto mee in token of thankefullnes[altered] <left margin, H: that there might arise an inconveniency of seeming neglect et forgetfulnes.> This I thought should by any meanes bee avoided & therefore being ashamed of my selfe I tooke pen & incke at this instant to make this apology which I know your ingenuity will accept as the true and vnfained meaning of him who doth professe himselfe & hopeth to find time to shew it in effect that hee is and will dye and live
 Hamburg 5 May         your Truely and vnfainedly obliged
        1640           [&c?] Servant in Christ    I. D.