The Hartlib Papers

Title:Claims About Mining & Minerals, Anon
Ref:67/20/1A-2B: 1B, 2A BLANK

[another hand:
          [MS torn] will performe
             these things following vizt
1    To make Artificiall or naturall Cinaber which is called Vermillion made of Quicksilver and brimstone 12li. Sixe pounds to abide all trialls of Silver
2    Hee will make Silver [deafe?] and pondrous as gold and that aqua fortis will not touch it, which is called white gould.
3.   To take a pound of gold and open his body Philosopically and it will couller 50li weight of the foresaid Silver into all assaies; For Silver wants nothing but Coullor & weight, his Filthiness being taken away, he is equall with gold.
4.   To fixe Copper to endure the teast or Coppal as is named But in the preparacion yow must loose the 4th part because his Redness and greeneness must be taken from him.
5.   To extract the Tincture of Antimony into gould at all assaies being mixt with a preparacion of Gould siluer as aforesaid
6.   To fixe Mercury which is quicksilver with the Tincture of Iron and Copper, to abide any Triall
7    To make Salt peeter to suffice all the 3. Kingdomes. For which his Majestie bargained at 10000li. But his Majestie goeing away it was left of
8.   To make Cornish Tinne to take away his Crackling and make him as beautifull as Silver for any vse but it will not abide the Teast
9.   Hee can make the Mynes in Darbyshire yeild 40000li more per Annum then now they doe without wrong to any man by which may easily be iudged what the other parts of this Kingdome would yeild if improved. Also he knowes of a Mine of Lead in England that yeilds 500li a Tunne as it comes forth.
10. Of the ground and by Art may be made 500li more which is 1000 & the richest Myne I know of.
     Besides many other particulers of greater Consequence which I will not Comitt to paper, vnless on good grounds and not to many.
     Any of these 10 are worth 10000li per Annum if not 40000li per Annum
     Lett no man doubt of the performance hereof a Leprous man is a man, but when he is made cleane, he is a perfect man, soe all inferiour Mettalls are composed of Salt Silver Sulphure and quickesilver & soe is gold and take away their Leprosie & everie one of them is equall with gold & silver.

[Hand Y:]       Proposals about Salt Peter