The Hartlib Papers

Title:Memo On Fermin'S Engine, John Dury
Notes:Copy at 8/60/6.

There is a French man who hath an Engin of warre & many other rare secrets usefull for warre by sea & land, which hee is willing to employ to the King of Swedens seruice; but for want of meanes to transport himself thither; hee is like to take some other course, & to bee entertained either by the French Ambassadour or by some agent for the Spaniard; & so will prooue a most dangerous instrument against the protestant Churches, & bee a great advantage to the common ennemies of them, if hee cannot bee supplyed & supported to with meanes to bee conveiged safely thither.
            The Properties of his Engin are these
                    First for defence
1. By it the whole army may bee in securitie against all danger except only canon shot.
2. The Foot or horse of the Enemie shall not bee able so much as to approch to those that use this Invention to doe them harme.
3. By it yow shall spare one quarter of the gunne poulder which is spent ordinarily
4. It will require but one or at least <the most> two men to gouerne & use it
5. It shall marche as fast with the helpe of these two men as the foot men march ordinarily.
6. It shall passe ouer all places where the foot men passe
7. Wheresoeuer the camp doeth pitch it is <by> the meanes of it fortified & needeth [letter deleted] no entrenchment.
                    Secondly for Offence.
1. It will destroy any thing opposit which is not canon proof.
2. It will break not only the ranks of an armie but also will kill whole [word deleted] troupes of foot or horse
3. It shall shoot as farre as any Leather ordinance, & as any ordinance whatsoeuer of the same bore
4. It will shoot as fast, as a musquet, & will not heat nor breake [word deleted] <though you> shoot continually with it without any intermission
5. The canon of the Engin shall not bee heauier then leather ordinance & yet shall bee as lasting
6. The whole Engin with the Canon of it may bee made with little Cost in comparison of other ordinance, & in great store in short tyme [catchword: besides]

besides this hee hath an Invention of most terrible Effect which is able to destroy whatsoeuer it meeteth withall foure hundreth paces in circuit, wherby ten thousand men may boldly encounter an hundreth thousand in the field & defeat them all.
These & other secrets of his may bee gained by a trusty man; who for other occasions <of his owne> goeth ouer to the King of Swedens army; & to whom this French-man [beareth MS edge] great affection, & is willing to concredit himself & his secrets; if the meanes of his transportation could [bee MS edge] so procured, & giuen to him that, hee might [acknowledge MS edge] himself to bee beholden in this particular to this [man MS edge] of trust & credit; who will oblige himself hauing once gained these Inventions, to communicate them freely to such as shall haue greatest use for them [word missing? MS edge] the Churches & commonwealthes reformed, by the aduice [of? MS edge] those that shall procure these moneyes requisite.