The Hartlib Papers

Title:Extract In Praise Of Inventors, In William Petty'S Hand
Notes:Another copy at 8/64. It is apparently a translation from Bacon's Novum Organon.

The Introduction of Noble Inventions seemeth to bee the Cheife of all humane actions, Which former Ages sufficiently Witnessed, Inasmuch as they attributed divine honours to the <such> Inventours, Whereas they alloted onely the honour or[altered from of] title of Heroes to such as had been <the well->deserving [word deleted] in ciuill affaires, such as are <such as are> the builders the Founders of Citties & Empires, Lawmakers, the Deliuerers of their Country from long & tedious[altered] [Misery? MS edge] the suppressors of Tyrannyes & the like, And truly whosoeuer shall well scan the Matter, hee shall find this Verdict of the Ancients to bee very just, For the Benefit of new Inventions may extend to all Mankind Vniversally but those <the good of> Civill atchievement can respect but some particular Cantons of Men, these latter doe not endure aboue a few ages, the former for euer, Moreouer the Reformation of States in civill affaires for the most part is not compassed without Violence and disturbances, But Inventions make <all> Men happy without either Injury of or dammage to any <one> single person, Further New Inventions are as it were New Creations and <are> Imitacions of Gods owne Works.
Againe it were good to take Notice of the Vertue Efficacy & Consequences of Inventions, Which are scarse More Conspicuous in any then in these three, Vnknowne to the Ancients, & whose beginnings (although but of late) are obscure & without vnrenowned

To witt the Art of Printing, Gunpowder & the Marriners Needle, For these three haue changed the face & Ch State of things through out the whole world. The first in the Matter of Learning, the second in that of warre <&> the last in Nauigations, From whence haue followed an Innumerable Changes of things, so that that no Empire, No Sect, nor no st Constellation seemes to haue had a greater Influence upon humane [affaires MS edge] than these Mechanicall Inventions haue had.
[below, upside down, another hand:] An encomium upon