The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Charles Potts To John Dury,
Dating:29 August 1634

Sir j receiued your letters. j am beholdinge to you that you reteine mee in your memorye. j am verye gladd that you yett reteine hope & courage in your great worke, notwithstandinge the great difficulties in a businesse of this nature. reteine still your industrious patience. god shall crowne the worke or you by your pious indeauours. j shall not neglect to assiste you & Mr Hartlib by all the meanes j may conueniently. j shall now desire a kindnesse of you that you will voutsafe to charge your memorye soe farre as to inquire for one Capt. Henerye Tye an English man in the Armies of Germanye. whither hee bee of the Emperiall or the Princes partye j cannot tell. nor canne j direct any particular meanes of inquiringe, only j heare hee is in the Armyes neare Bohemia. hee hath lately sent to inquire of his kinred in England if any bee liuinge. but the messenger not findinge any. one of his sisters since hearinge of it desired mee to make inquirye for him. & lett him knowe that hee hath diuers sisters liuinge in London. of which the good-woman of the house where j sometimes lye & diett & where you dined with mee, viz. Mrs Dogwell, is one. if you cann heare of him & send him some small noate to this purpose you shall doe a kindnesse & a charitable worke. with my hartye affections j rest
                              your affectionate frend
                               to serue you Charles Potts
Lond. Aug. 29. 1634.
[left margin:]
if you heare of the partye & where hee is j desire your aduertisement by your letters to Mr Harlibb & where how to send to him.

                        Mons. Iean Dure
                                 Abzugeben bey
                                  H. [Tournemanne?]
[Dury's hand:]
     Mr Pots . 1634
Scr Lon. ----- 29 Aug
Acc Fti. -------10 7ber