The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Eleazor Borthwick To John Dury
Dating:24 May 1633
Ref:5/37/1A-2B: 1B, 2A BLANK

Right Deare & Loving brother in Christ our Lord
I heave communicat your bussines to such of our Bishoppis & Clergii as I promised / all doe allow the Woorke bot would heave wissed to heare your owin mynd in theise problemis [which?] they heave seine/ We are to heave oure meitting shortlei in Edinburgh [where?] they heave promised ther answer & advyse according [where?]unto I sall adverteise yow/. Your grandfather & Mother are booth with god/ Your Sister desyres to heire from yow. for newes/ our king beis at Edinburgh./ the fyfteine of Iun. the parliament ryes the [awthteine?]/ the Marqueise of Hammyltonne is a great favoreit/ matterrs in kirk & steat growes worse & greatter illis expected/ [what?] I cane doe in that bussines of yours ether at courteours to deall with the king or scollarres to give ther advysse I sall be cairfull/. I hope you will wret at all occasions as I directed you./ your newes & your opinione in Germane affairres will gett Credeit/ The greace of god be with you. I remember my Love to your self & if you be at Frankford to our goodman & his wyfe.
                           Your loving brother in Christ
                              E. Borthwick
Chesterhall 24 may

                   To his reverend and deare
                      brother in Christ/.
                   Mr. Iohne Durei/ preacher
                       of the gospell.
[Dury's hand:]
   Mr Eleaz: Borthwick
Scr. Chesterhall -------- 24 May
Acc. Francofurti--- ------- 12. sept.