The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Letter In Hand ?, Bishop Of Salisbury To John Dury
Dating:5 May 1634
Ref:5/24/1A-2B: 1B, 2A BLANK

[Hartlib's hand:]
                   Salutem in Christo.
I haue now at last sent you vp what you desired. You had receaved it much sooner had j not in vaine expected the returne of my absent Chaplain whom j had thought to haue vsed in writing it out fairer. You must now bee content to take it as it is written with mine own bad hand and worse eyes. I wish it may in some degree answer your expectation. But howsomever take it as a testimony of my love towards yourselfe et good affection towards that busines wherin you are imploied. Thus wishing you et it all happy succes j commit you to the God of Peace and only Author of all happines resting ever
                         Your loving frend
                           and Brother in Christ
Salisburie                       Io. Sarum.
  May the 5th
When you haue receaued the writing signifie so much in a word or 2 that j may bee assured it is come to your hands.
To his loving friend Mr. Iohn Durie.

[another hand:]
Io. Sarum: Dr. Davenant Bishop of Salisbury to Mr. Dury
               5 Maij 1634.