The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Remonstrance Of Pruvost & L'Amy To Parliament In Scribal Hand ?
Dating:Undated [C.1645]
Ref:53/14/45A-46B: 46A, 46B BLANK
Notes:Further copy at 12/87 & edited copy at 53/14/43.

Peter Le Pruuost in the name of Hugh L'Amy both of them French protestants, Remonstrates vnto the right honourable House of Commons, that hee knowes a way of ymproving husbandry whereby may bee advanced yearely at least 1200m li. sterling to the benefitt of the subject in particular, and at least 300m li. sterling more to the benefitt of the State, without ymposeing any manner of Cessements, Taxacions subsidies, or Custome, vpon the subject: Which aforesaid secrette hee freely proferrs and promises to discouer vnto this Kingdome soe soone as the honourable House shall please to passe an Ordinance for secureing the aforesaid 300m li. vnto the State and oblidging all the Inhabitants of this Kingdome who shall make vse of the aforesaid secrette; only to nominate and present one man of their kindred or acquaintance for 70 acres of Land which they shall soe manure or husband according to the aforesaid secrette, euery foure of which men so nominated in tyme of warr, and eight of them in tyme of peace shall nominate and present one Marriner to be continually ymployed at sea for secureing of the Coast, and convoying Marchants shipps to and fro out of danger wheresoeuer they shall trafficke. All which said Marriners being 5400 at least, togeather with whatsoeuer shall be requisite to the Compleate arming and setting out of 72 shipps [catchword: (of]

of Warr, to wit, 36 of aboute 400 Tunns a peece, and other 36 of aboute 150 Tunns a peece shall be mainteyned out of the aforesaid 300m li. sterling per Annum, And such other wayes as the said Peter Le Pruuost in the name of Hugh L'Amy shall discouer to the State, without ymposeing any manner of Cessment subsidy or the like vpon the subject, Provided alwayes that if the Marriners bee not named in due tyme, then the Parliament shall name them, And that whosoeuer shall transgresse the said Ordinance shall become lyable to haue all that yeares Revenue of his Land Confiscated and forfeit 1000 li. besides, 2/3 whereof to be ymployed on the Poore, or other charitable and publicke vses, and 1/3 to whomsoeuer shall informe thereof./