The Hartlib Papers

Title:Memo About The University Business In Scribal Hand D, Anon.

               About the Vniversity businesse.
1.   That a considerable Summe of Mony bee raised, suppose six score or 7. score pound a yeare by such whose hearts God hath filled with Noble Resolutions, for the Advancement of Gods Glory & the publick good.
2.   That this mony bee intrusted in the hands of 6. or 8. Ministers, beeing Men of more then ordinary Iudgment Learning, discretion, in knowing of wits, &c: activity, & vnqvestionable fidelity & impartiality, & that these 6. bee solemnely ingaged to proceed in all things, without respect of Persons, as they shall judge to bee best for the Churches good; & that they bee such, as can & will finde leisure, when need reqvires, to attend vpon the businesse.
3.   That these Trustees shall sett some time apart to goe about to Schooles (:having their charges borne them:) to conferre with the Masters, & out of 6. of the acutest boyes, recommended by the Master & beeing strictly examined, 2. of the most ingenious bee chosen: And that they take some able School- [catchword: master]

master with them, to helpe them in the worke of examination. And soe goe from one Schoole to another.
4. That as neare as may bee, the boyes to bee chosen, bee 1st of a towardly disposition, not scoffers at or open Enemies to godlinesse. 2. The Children of such Parents as 1. are either poore or but in a meane Condition 2. as are not Enemies to godlinesse, nor men of corrupt principles, as to the weighty points of Religion. 3. That the boyes bee such, that have not a sufficient pension from any other place.
5. That the boyes soe chosen, bee sent to the Vniversity, & there placed vnder such Tutors, as the Trustees shall chuse, in the qvality of Sizers, that there they have a yeare allowed them: that they bee obliged to study to bee very skillfull in the Latine, Greeke, the Orientall Tongues, in the severall Arts & Sciences: and that they bee tied to speciall Exercises in all those things as shall bee thought fit by the Trustees, & such Learned Men in the Vniversity, as they shall advise with.
6. That it shall bee in the power of the Trustees, vpon conscience satisfying evidence of the Idlenesse, or dissolutenesse of any of them, to withdraw the exhibition of<from> him (:after admonition given him, & triall for some such time, as they shall thinke fitt:) & so chose another in his place. [catchword: 7. That]

7. That these boyes shall have their allowance continued for 7. yeares or 8. (:when the Trustees shall thinke fitt:) that they shall bee oblieged to intend & enter into the Ministery, vnlesse the Trustees shall thinke fit to dispense with any of them.
8. That once in a yeare the Trustees or some of them, goe to the Vniversity (:their charges beeing borne:) and there Examine the Schollers, & desire the helpe of some very able Vniversity man, to finde out their profiting, that the negligent may bee rebuked, and hee that excells the rest, shall have a gratuity of 5. or bestowed on him.
9. That the Trustees bee first chosen by the Contributers, afterwards when any die, that the rest shall meet to chuse another, & that they solemnely promise, to chuse a man with respect to his deserts only.
10. That noe Lad whatsoever bee taken in, vpon the recommendation of his Parents, or neare friends; nay that if any Friends recommend him (:after they know it is disallowed:) that shall bee sufficient, to render him incapable (:vnlesse the Trustees shall see great cause to take him in:)
loco 4. That 6. boyes bee picked out of the Vniversity of<H: out> of the <H: freshmen> if they bee Batchelors that they stay & study 7. yeares more, & have their stipend allowed them.

                 For Latine Exercises.
1. That 4. dayes in a yeare bee set apart, for learned exercises.
2. That in the morning at 9. of the Clock, there bee a Latine Sermon and about 10. a Latine Disputation.
3. That there bee one respondent & 3. opponents, & to proceed in all things more Academico, onely at present omitting the confutation of the Thesis, to avoid æmulation.
4. That there bee a Moderator chosen Annually.
5. That the Disputants bee chosen to the worke, & that in their <H: turnes> each of them bee respondent, & make a Thesis & the rest oppose.
6. That a principall respect bee had to the Controversies of the <H: times.>
7. That vpon asking the Moderatours Placet, it may bee free for anyone, that will to oppose &c: as also, that vpon asking the Moderatours Placet, any one may apply an Answer to any such opponents, when it is is convenient.
8. That this bee Exercitium Iuniorum, & that out of the Seniours, Moderatours bee chosen.