The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Beale To Hartlib
Dating:22 September 1658
Notes:Copy of enlosed letter at 51/17?.

<Hartlib: No.62.    (.1.)      Sept. 22. 58>
                       cum Mr Austen [illeg.word]
Dearest Sir
          By yours of Sept 18 I find our carriers default. Now I pray you remember to expunge freely. For in many places there were light lines, & you must consider That the lines of a man in an agony must bee of nice conceipt. The remainder must bee the balaste. I dare not say all my thoughts of honour, least it should seeme to affront the Courte. For as I conceive it, It deserves to precede the charge of murder; as being of a more divine, & more publique concernement. But howe can it bee soe, if it bee, or easily may bee a meere title, and without relation to a matter, & merit of fact. Let the rule or lawe precede, & the matter of fact & merite bee proved coram populo & then the title deserves to bee hereditary. This is a Romane or Spartane, or republican notion   Wee have drawne & subscribed an addresse <differing from that which I sent you>. You may let Mr Secretary know it. You may let Mr Dury know that for Herefdshire & Shropshire (whither I am now going) I stand engaged, as Mr Baxter for Shropshire. From whom I undertake an answere to your demands forth

with. I am sorry to leave the troubles of Swede & Dane, & I doubt the Dutch in the end must pay for all. For tis their due debt For the Mnemonicall Contrivances I could chiefly wish it were done upon the holy records. You will find That I am not unwilling that wee should have bibles in a grasse greene character. As weake & fainting men doe but discerne the benefit of pure ayre, & can least of all beare dust & smoake, & like annoyances; Soe my selfe having weake eyes, am tormented with red letters, & find a greate refreshment, if I doe but cast my eye upon the silken strings of a perfect greene color. Others will deride this curiosity, but I find many others of the same tendernes. I have seene Ororius [altered from Osorius] de gloria soe printed, That every interlocuter had a severall character Tully de Oratore did better deserve it but if it had beene allso in a severall colour, had it not beene more binding? And doe not the Scriptures better deserve it, That Gods expresse worde

might have an emphaticall color? And our Saviours Sermons bee distinguished in severall cognisanses from the Devills Sophistry?
                                 I shall sit close to our carrier for I long for the letteres.
     The Cavaleres do fill the world afresh wth lyes That the Protector is dead, Lord H cast away by a storm. Lord Fleetewood the man. But with a contest That hath filld all the streetes of London with bloud. This from Worcester & Gloucester in all mens [mouths? MS edge torn] Your lettere did recovr mee. For I was not without my share of feares. Popular men affirmd it. Mr Secret should know this, & put a checke to bablers, & regulate the streames of fame.
     I can never cease to pray for you & for all your deare relations. Being ever
        Dearest sir Your most affectionate servant
Sept.22.1658                           I Beale
  The inclosed (by your helpe) is for Mr Austen
with deare respects.

  For the Right Worthy
     Samuel Hartlib Esqr etc
  At his house over against Angel Court
         neere Charing Crosse
[squiggle]       London