The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:10 April 1661
Ref:4/4/10A-11B: 10B, 11A BLANK

Deare freind
the bearer heerof comming from Dantzick & intending to go for England to Learne the Language & improoue his Talents there, hath desired some Addresse for acquaintance which by these Lines I haue been willing to giue him to you, that you may giue him your aduice where to apply himself for the attainement of his ende: he is of a hopefull appearance, & therefore to bee directed for the accomplishment of that which may bee hoped for to bee wrought in him; I know your owne Inclination will prompt you to doe for them what you Can, as you alwayes haue been reddie to doe therefore commending you to God I rest
                             your most affectionat &
                               humble seruant
Amsterdam this 30th. March/10. April
      1661.                               Iohn Durie

                   For his Louing freind
                     Mr. Samuel Hartlib
                     at his Lodging in Axe yard
                     in Kings street       in