The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:11 March 1661

Deare freind
I wrote unto you the last weeke to let you know my arriuall into this place, & that I am Lodged with Mr. Serrarius; I cannot as yet betake my self to Vtrecht where your Son is, because I haue not gotten my Troncks with Clothes & Papers without which I cannot set myself a worke in the meane time I visit the freinds of former acquaintance to let them know the Cause of my retrait out of England & to let them understand my Resolution to stay in these parts if a call bee giuen wherin I may serue the public. & so I will order my Resolutions heerafter as Prouidence shall direct me. I haue in this letter to my wife ordered her to deliuer three pound sterling unto you for twelue Ryckdollars which Mr. Moriaen makes ouer to bee giuen you: & Mr Serrarius desiring me to Cause pay them unto you, I cause three pounds to bee paid for them; which is six shillings aboue the value as they go in England. I make no doubt but my wife will send the money to you without delay. The Newes here in public matters are none but what I wrote formerly of the preparations which the East India Companie makes for warre to driue the Portugalls out of the East India's. their preparations Cannot bee kept Secret but their particular designe is under an oath of Secrecie; so that nothing can bee knowen of it, but by way of Coniecture. this is public here & almost all that can bee taken notice of; only the spirits of men are mightily perplexed & made agast at the Newes which come from all parts of Germanie Viz Saxen, Brandenburg, Silesia, Holstein & also out of Poland by Dantzick, concerning the prodigious appearances in the heauen & upon the earth, & some prodigious effects of iudgments from heauen; of all which the letters for these two or three posts are full; so that this is to mee an ominous presage of some great alterations in the Empire; I meane the apprehensions which men take up of these prodigies whether they bee true or false is not materiall: the Turck makes greater preparations both by sea & Land then euer was knowen, & the emperour knowes not what course to take to resist him; for his Councell dare not aduise him to call a Dyet lest, the Dyet lay before him their grieuances for his breach of promise in not obseruing their Capitulation made with him at his Coronation:
I pray tell Mr. Oldenborgh that I haue not yet been at Leyden but God willing intend to go thither to morrow & then I purpose to write unto him. in the meane time remember me to him & all other freinds who am
                    your assured & affectionat seruant Amsterdam                     in Christ
this 1/11 March. 1661./60.               I. D.

         For his Louing freind
           Mr Samuel Hartlib
           the Elder: dwelling
           in Axe yard in King street