The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:25 March 1656

Deare freind
I thought to haue written at large this tyme & to haue answered yours which haue beene gathered together in my absence, but interruptions since my returne hither haue beene such that I haue not beene able. in the meane tyme take here the summe of my Negotiation in Anhalt: I was also at Weymar but I would not make any stay there to oblige them to make any declaration; my scope was only to informe them of my true aime & to preuent preiudices which I hope I haue fully done. you will communicat these papers to Monsieur Schlezer. I haue sent the Declaration of the Princes to Mr Secretary. the Declarations of the Divines I haue sent here only to you, you may if you please offer them where you haue insinuated the rest: I must breake off, the tyme will not suffer any further enlargement; remember me at the throne of grace & to all honest freinds who am
                         Your most truly affectionat
                           freind for reall seruice in
Cassell this 25th March        Christ       I. D.

        For Mr. Samuel
          Hartlib the Elder
        at his house
        neer Charring Crosse
        ouer against
        angel Court          in
[another hand:]
franca per [Anuersa?]
[another hand:] B2:    4
[Hartlib:] No. 91. 56./.