The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To [Hartlib]
Dating:14 October 1654

                            14. Octob. 54./ No. 29.
Deare freind
     the enlargement of this inclosed to my wife hath stollen away the time so that I cannot bee so large towards you as I did intend this morning. only I must tell you by Aphorismes.
  1. that yours of the 29 september with the inclosed to Mr Pell is come to hand, & I thank you for the adioyned Papers & informations.
  2 As for Bremen I am at too great a distance to meddle for before my letter can come to Coronell Wirtz the busines will bee either composed, or all the low Saxon Circle ingaged. Holland should take their Protection as they did Embden & the rest of the Hanseatick townes: England is too farre off to take the Protection with the Hazard of a Breach with Sweden; England may & should vigourously mediat & interpose for them, & get Holland to do the like.
  3. Mr Schlezer his iudgment of the frame of Sweden is sound; I do intend to write to him <again> before I go from hence; for I wrote once alreddie; but I cannot take in hand to informe him circumstantially till I come nearer: & I shall God willing mention him in due time, when it will bee seasonable for me to propose how the worke of a Protestant interest should bee caried on by us. & to this effect
  4. I must see some further ground of a settlement at home between the Lord Protector & Parliament else all will bee in vain: & I wonder that such as seeme to bee Patriots should not see that there can bee no safetie nor prosperitie, nor no glory nor successe in any enterprise except there bee an agreement; & that the public affaires bee caried on by those who haue happily begunne to aduance them; & in whose hand God hath prospered them hitherto.
  5. I haue sent you great Packets of late, I long to heare from you of the receipt of them; & because they will bee Chargeable & that you will haue worke of transcribing I haue desired my wife out of the next allowance that I am to receiue to giue you tenne pounds; & let me know of your Condition that I may pertake of the cares therof & do what God shall inable me.
  6. I pray remember the Directions to follow in the communication of what I haue sent you Mr Secretaries & my Lord President his aduice; [&?] do not deliuer the letters which I wrote to Dr Owen & Dr Seaman in my last to you; & now these to Mr Nye & Mr Calami without their consent & leaue: & let me know what [directions? blot on MS] they giue yow & how the men to whom I write ressent the motions which I make.
  7. I shall I hope this day receiue my Answer here & the next weeke bee gone for Schaffhausen; whence I shall God willing write more at large & propose something towards his Highnes & the Parliament as hauing finished a period in the worke & beeing to enter upon a further degree of agitation therin.
                This in haste the Lord bee with you from
                                your wholly affectionat
                                   in Christ    I. D.
[left margin:]
Basel 14th. Octob.

For Your Self
Here you haue another Copie of the Transyluanian iudgment viz the halfe, the other halfe expect 3. dayes hence.