The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:30 September 1654

30.Sept.54./.                                No. 25
Deare freind
your last of the 15th. of 7.ber as I take it for it is without date I shall not answer now for I haue not been able to read what is containes, but that which remaines unanswered in your former of the 1. & 8 of Septemb. I shall now speake unto.
first then I haue begunne to write the Epistolary discourse in your name to Mr Wisens; but being interrupted could not make an ende at this time, but God willing you shall haue it by the next post.
I am sorry that the busines of Practicall Divinitie is no more laid to heart amongst our Brethren; & that Mr Wodenoth the <stationer who> printed of the earnest Plea for Gospell Communion is moued to Complain, that it sticks on his hand; I am informed that the Printer told him, that the Treatise had no popular or alluring title; it is true; for indeed it is not principally intended for the common poeple but for those of the Ministery whose worke it is to aduance the glory of the Gospell in the Communion of Saints: as for your part you haue many wayes heretofore; & do still upon all occasions ouerburden your self with the Charges which the printing of such things which are not popular comes to; therefore it would bee iniustice to your self to do aboue your abilitie hauing so many other occasions of Charges that lye upon you; as for my self I am here abroad, & can not bee counted wise; if I should not endevour to bee <prouided with supply &> without want of maintenance in a forreigne Country; & yet I could find in my heart to beare if not all yet a part of the Charges of the printing of that Treatise, that it might bee distributed to see what it would worke for the procurement of that Body of Practicall Divinity which is so much wished for by many. I remember Mr. Thomas Goodwyn & Mr. Nye but Chiefly the former was once very foreward to aduance it; & did offer for his part to allow 20.lib. a yeare towards the furtherance therof; perhaps if you should acquaint him with this inconvenience in the sale of that Treatise; which is only made public to sollicit the busines which hee loues to see aduanced, hee might bee moued of his owne accord to saue the Stationer harmles [catchword: in furnishing]

in furnishing you with so many Copies to distribut, that it might bee equiualent to a reddie sale; & farre better then a reddie sale in this respect that by the distribution you might put an expresse engagement & procure a promise from those to whom you giue it, to mind the worke & take som taske in hand to elaborat some matter belonging to it: if yow would salute Mr. Goodwyn from me; & let him know this motion, amongst other things wherof you can giue him an account concerning my procedings here; I think you should not doe amisse.
I am called off from my designe of answering the rest of your letters but I hope to gaine time before the next post which will bee within three dayes againe. I am now to worke something towards a meeting of those to whom my busines here hath been referred; therfore I must breake off; only I must first tell you that within this to my wife there is one for my Lord President which I desire you to receiue from her, to read & copie out & then to shutte & deliuer to him, the Lord bee with you all yours & remember me to your Son Clodius I remaine
                       yours in all truth & faithfullnes
Basel this 30th. septemb           of Duties
        1654.                                  Iohn Dury