The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Joseph St.Amand To Hartlib
Dating:21 June 1643
Ref:45/6/10A-11B: 10B, 11B BLANK

     I receiued yo last weeke two of yours and with them a little remembrance, which requires my particular answere: I confesse I haue received diuers from you, since I last saw you, yet not soe constantlie, but that besides what you mention in yours I haue often missed of them, for a fortnight, 3 weekes or a Moneth together: Neither could this happen thorough the incertaintie of any aboade, for whatsoeuer they haue told you that seemd to know more then indeed they did, I haue beene neuer beene halfe soe long from the place where my ordinarie abode hath been euer since I saw you as I haue beene in this place, where yet I haue not beene<liued> much aboue Six Weekes: I confesse I am indebted to you for what I haue receiued, for it was more <your> owne goodnesse to continue it, then anie desert of mine, Yet truelie I had not beene beh soe farr behinde hand with you, if I had not found a kinde of displeasure in you for What I once tooke the boldnesse to presse vpon you though in a waie as Ciuill as I could deuise: Nor will I yet despaire but I maie Liue to deserue these fauours from you, and God assisting me, I shall not be behinde forgettfull then to doe it./ I confesse, as I now liue wrapt vpp in a dull constrained ignorance, thorough the Solitarinesse, and retirednesse of my vnactiue life: It is some refreshing to me, to heare now and then, how things goe abroade, if it be but to diuert me, from too much fixing my thoughts vpon our miseries heere at home./ But I shall, neuer presse anie inconuenience vpon my frend: If you would please to deale soe freelie with me, as to Lett me know what maie be reasonablie Expected from me, I should willinglie consent vnto it, but I must as freelie tell you, I know not how to giue present order for it, as things now stand, and therefore I must leaue both that and my selfe to your gentle Censure, till God shall please to dispose otherwise of vs, and soe rest
                         Yours to serue you
210. Junij 1643                         Jo: St. Amand

               To my kinde and verie
               much respected frend
               Mr Samuell Hartlibb at
               his house in the Dukes.
               place London present,