The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Joseph Avery To Hartlib
Dating:22 March 1649
Ref:45/3/40A-41B: 40B, 41A BLANK

Good Mr Hartlibe.
For your last curtesie in the booke you sent me by Mr Dury, as for many former, I must remayne your Debtour, vntill Almightie God shall enable me to returne vnto you a better requitall then verball thankes. But these I should haue rendred vnto you my selfe, if my indisposition would haue permitted me to come abroad to visitte you, wherfore I pray accept it herwith, and from my heart. And, if you please to giue my Sonne (the bearer herof) the libertie to repayre vnto you somtimes, to conferre with you about the passages occurring from time to time, wherby I may receiue the better information (seeing I come seldome to London) you will still more & more oblige me to remayne as I am
                           Your most affectionat
                              and faithfull Frind
                                   to serue you
Poplar the 22 March                      I. Auerie.
       anno 1648/9.

               For my much honoured
               Frind Mr Hartlibe
               at the Dukes place.