The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Joseph Avery To Hartlib
Dating:29 July 1642
Ref:45/3/31A-32B; 32A BLANK

About 14 daies past, I tooke the boldnes to trouble you with another letter of mine, sent by Post, and inclosed vnto Mr Bowater: wherein was also the copie of a letter I writte the same time vnto Mr Durie touching that affaire wherwith he hertofore acquainted you, and I shall long to heare of the safe arriuall therof vnto your hands, because it much concernes me.
I take occasion to trouble you with the Pacquet that goeth along herwith, praying you to take care that the same may be safely deliuered there into the French Ambassadors hands. It is nothing ells but 40 copies of a book which Monsieur d'Avaux le Comte de [Mesines?], the French Kings Ambassador here hath lately published; to shew that the Imperialists only are in default that the generall Treaties for peace doe not goe forward. This Ambassador gaue me 3 copies of this his worke (and I send you one of them herwith;) desiring my care in the safe addresse of the other, as aforsayd.
There hath bene lately in Silesia another battel betweene the Imperiall and Swedes armies: but we knowe not yet who haue kept the field, our merchants relations from sondry

places being so different yea Contrary to one another; and the Ambassadors themselues here of either side haue no more then the vulgar relations as yet; at least they will not be acknowne therof, if they haue. And thus, with my hartiest thankes for the continuance of your weekly aduertisements, and for all other your fauours, I committe you to the mercifull protection of the Almightie and remayne euer
                              your most faithfull
                                 Frind to serue you
Hambrough the 29 Julie                 I Averie
    anno 1642 stylo vetero
P.S. Mr Comenius was with me the last weeke and departed hence for Sweden on Monday last. He hath spoken with one or two learned men men here (very fitte to be employd in the aduanceing of his great worke) and finds them very forward to contribute their best endeuours; so they may meete with incouragement for their support. Vale. I deliuered Mr Comenius your great Pacquet: but I perceiued he expected some further writing also from you touching his buisness in France.

For your selfe Sir.