The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Henry Appelius To Hartlib
Dating:13 August 1644

     Hauing [such? faded] good opportunitie, I [thought? MS torn] it fitt to salute you, et let you know of my present wellfare, the like I pray God you may allwayes enjoy sincerely. Last Saturday I came hither to uisite Mr Dury et to make his sister wellcome, which I found in health et safety; the Lord graunt to her et to euery one of us, what is good for us, et seruiceable for his glorie. Amen.
  Because I shall now/not haue necessity or occasion to goe to London so soone, I will endeauour, to send you some coppies of that new lately desired Treatise and if I shall finde somewhat else, conuenient for you, I will communicate it to you. Last weeke I gott a letter from Mr Tassius, wherein he desires mee, to salute you friendly, et to entreate you, to reassume your former intelligence et writing with him.
Of D. Knoffell wee heare no more, it is likely, he will not come hither this winter, if hee shall come at all: but when he commeth, I will bee glad to learne something of him. Glauberus hath his furnaces communiated to my Docteur, et to me, I might wish, that many good man, which taketh greate paines, did know those misteries, he would doubtlesse find occasion enought to satisfy his mind et intention, et to giue God thanckes. The packet I will bring et deliuer to Mr Hubner, he hath with greate desire a long while longued for it: I am determined to stay at Amsterdam, to follow there Praxin Medicam, which offereth it selfe; when it yet further shall please the Lord; whereof other matters depend, which can not bee concluded et settled, before wee haue some settlement herein/.   [Lazarus Meyssonier Gallus?], hath 2. or 3. yeares agoe set forth Pentaganum Philosophica Medicam, item Tractus de febribus: alium de Epdemion causis/ Joh. Baptista van Helmont hoc anno edidit Opuscula Medica inaudita de I Lithiasi. II. Febribus. III Humoribus Galeni .IV. [Peste..? MS torn] both of them goe in a new way to worke in philosophie et in Phisick, differing from the romane churches [.ene..s? MS damaged], et from the uulgar Aristotelicis et Chymicis: they will not frustrate a diligent reader, his expectation et labour. I send you some newes from Mr Lehm., Mr Munsterus related of a merchant at Amsterdam, who gott newes out of Lituania, that 1. or 2. noblemen of Count Woldemar which were escaped, had reported, that Count Woldemar with his trayne was in the Moscowitcsh church, et because his men had scoffed the people et had giuen a greate scandale, the Greate Duke did behead 8 of them. This is a hard Ecclesiasticall censure; but such men should have learned from their youth, to leaue euery thing in its owne worthe [altered from worthinesse], et to giue offence neither to the Greekes, nor to the Jewes. The English church about 6 weeks agone excommunicated an auncient, et poore Englishman, because he would not yeeld that the Lords day, was the lawfull sabbath of the Christians, but the Jewish ought needs to be obserued, seing amongst all Morall lawes, this onely hath a Memorandum annexed./ At this present I can write no more, onely I recommend you et yours to the grace et mercy of God et rest
     Rotterdam this 13th of August
            Anno 44.                   Your
                                       humble seruant
I pray lett these inclosed bee well        Henr. Appelius

               A Monsieur
                   Monsieur Hartlib
          At his house
          in Dukes place
          neere Allgate      Londres