The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Henry Appelius To Hartlib, English And German
Dating:26 February 1643

     The want of masters maketh me so slow in writing to my friends; which will procure mee a pardon by your humanitie. The 26. of 9ber I arriued heere safely, I haue the acquaintance of Dr Agricola, et D. Michels, (qui scripta chemica Hartmanni edendacurauit) et other good phisicians, of whom dayly somewhat can be learned: D. Michels, in whose laboratorie I am busie accord at my pleasure, is allwayes imployed in preparandis medicamentis, a catalogue whereof I send you; if there bee some that desire any, they can haue them at a good rate; Item another catalogue of a chimicall apothecarie which was D. Sultzbergers lately deceased, it is to bee sold for 60[thaler?] or thereabout, it was not procured for [300?][thaler?] if any friend hath a mind to it, he can haue it, if he writes for it betimes: or rather I would wish it for mee if it were possible for me to purchase it. I pray send a coppy thereof to Mr Durie with these letters which mentione it. Heere <is a new > I send a booke in 8o. which is ascribed said to bee made by Mr Euenius, whose title is Informatorium maternum oder Mutterschul [das ist?] ein richtiger vnd augenscheinlicher bericht, wie fromme eltern theils selbst, theils durch ihre Ammen, Kinderwòrterin, vnd andern mitgehülffen, ihr aller theüerstes kleinoth, die Kinder, in den ersten 6 Iahren, ehe sie dem pceptoren vbergeben werden recht vernünfftiglich, Gott zu ehren, ihnen selbst zu trost, den Kindern ab. zue [seeligkeit?] auferziehen vnd vben sollen. Nürnbergk beÿ Wolffgang [Enderen?] Anno 1636. Item ein anderes ejusdem [authoir?] genant Bilderschul für die Iugend. Des gleichen Stalij Buscheri tractatus in 4o. dictus // Crypto-papismus nouæ Theologiæ Helmstadiensis. There was lately a blasphemour beheaded which amongst others words as it had rained in his stable, had said, if Go wo vnser herrgott Iezund für seine thür kòme, er wolte ihn mit der streugabell todtschlagen. Das volck reiset auf dem land hòuffig auf, vnd verfügt sich sicher mit [vieh?] vnd allem, fur den kommenden keiserischen vnd bejerischen die sehr plündern vnd sich die andere örte einquartiren; about 2 regiments of the Saxon are beaten at Mansfeld, the Sweds got 1000 horses, besides their prizes; et it is feared that they will pursue after the Imperialists. Len<m>bery is ouer upon accord, et haue the swedes no foot more in Silesia. Other newes we haue nonne at the present.
  I pray remember mee to all friends in particular, et let Mr Schönbubius know that I gather diuers good obseruations, which I will impart him at my returne, to his greate content.
  Thus commending you et yours to Gods grace et fauour I rest
Leipzigk this 26th of febr.
       Anno 42                             Your Worships
 Direct my letters to Mr H               humble servant
Iohan von der burgk in der grimmischen      H App
gasse alhier.

               A Monsieur
                 Monsieur Hartlieb
to bee deliuered
at Mr Bourne his
shop neere the
royall exchange.    a