The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Extracts From Breslaw & Brieg, Anon
Dating:25 April 1653, 7 April 1653

<H: An> Extract of a Letter from Breslaw in Silesia.
           of the 25th of April 1653. <H: imparted to>
          Mr Hartlib from a Privy Counsellour of the
          Elector of Brandenburg residing at Berlin.
I have no pleasing newes to write vnto you: The Austrians drive on furiously with their Reformation and force the people as well to give their Reversions<H: subscriptions>, which otherwise they were willing enough to doe of themselves, as to goe to the Masse, and to receave the Sacrament. The Subjects of the hereditary Principalities in these Countries, who had yet severall churches left them, wherin they preached the Gospell, but were to deliver them vp (beeing many hundreds in number) as soone as their new Church, neere to the Cittie of Sweidnitz is built, according to the Agreement at Munster, fearing the like ill vsage; made their addresses to the Elector of Saxony and other Protestant Princes of the Empire, desiring their Intercessions to the Emperour on their behalf: But the <left margin, H:Imperial> Court calls this a Rebellion, and occasion is taken from thence for the speedier putting [letter deleted] out of the other Ministers and the shutting of the remaining Churches. The cruelty of those of Rome breakes out further & further, it seemes their measure will be filled up shortly. [left margin, H:] NB The Iesuits have had a meeting first at Lintz and afterwards at Gròtz in Stiria, where they had their Deputies[H capitalises] from all parts of the world: I believe, there is something more in it <then ordinary>: Pray God defend his little flock in [deletion] <H: great> mercy from those <H: the> abominations <H: of their> power, and exceeding much cunning <H: policy>. There is here a Learned Iesuit and a Singular Mathematician, who did say himself of the late new Starr, That it portends the Ruine of Rome, but his comfort was, that it should rise more glorious then ever it hath beene before: But

I feare it will be a good while ere that com [letter deleted] to pass; for I beleeve they [word deleted] carried the busines so in this their Vicariat, that it hardly will ever come up again in the same fashion.
          Out of Brieg, the 7th of April Anno 1653.
I have read what Mr Ioach. Betkius writt and desired in his Letter, and I would willingly gratifie him, if it were possible, but by reason of the multitude of my busines and travels, I cannot have so much leasure. I did intend indeed, to draw up a short Explication over the whole Revelation of St. Iohn, as I did allready upon the 11th & 16th Chapter; but especially I intended to expound the 20th Chapter at large & to shew chiefly, that the accomplishment of it is to beginne but after the Destruction of Babell, and that the thousand yeares of the peaceable & quiet Kingdome of Christ are at hand: but as I cannot have so much time (:notwithstanding I wanted but one quiet day for one Chapter:) so I doe not thinke it altogether safe yet.
 Concerning the Visions of the gyrle, I doe <could> not heare any certainty yet beeing Her[altered] father and friends pretending that them[altered from they] <yet to> bee sealed up[altered], and that they dare not be opened untill a certain time.
 The new Starre that appeared in December last, and the time of his operation beginne together,
 The Shwenkfeldians in the Principality of Lignitz are not so very many. There is a beginning made of them in the Sweidnitz, and those of the Lignitz

are likewise drawne into it. They have drawne up and sett forth the Confession of their faith, but I could not come to the sight of it as yet. Those to whom the Censure of them is committed, happily have never saw any of Swenckfelds his writings, nor know any thing of his doctrine: As for the people, they are of an honest life and Conversation, but concerning their doctrine, they are in some errors, as it is with all Sectarians, And he that is without sinne, I meane Erroure of faith, amongst those Censors, let him take up the first stone.
 Touching the witchcraft I told you, There was an <evill> spirit in the house of a glover not farr from the Butcherhouse, that kept such a stirr with throwing & tumbling things up and downe, that the people were forced at last to quitt the house, whereupon it came in the next Neighbours house, which was a brewer, but he left<TRANS SWITCH="1"></TRANS> likewise<TRANS SWITCH="4"></TRANS> his<TRANS SWITCH="2"></TRANS> house<TRANS SWITCH="3"></TRANS> since: And now it is in the third house. There was <was> a <certain> souldier, that[altered from who] formerly had <beene> a fryer, that conjured the Devill in the first house, so that he kept away some dayes, but since he came again, and continueth with throwing and puzling as before.
 Concerning the carrying away of Mr Ringhamer, the Curantoes will informe you; It is pretended, he writt some thing to the States of Austria, for to moove them to a Rebellion, which was intercepted.
 Last friday morning the sunne rising after great thunder, it appeared altogether read like fire,

out of which there <issued> out read and black bullets and at last beers (to carry corpses upon:) which hath beene seene of a great many people. They are presages of no good vnto vs, but there is no man that regards it, and many doe not beleeve it: nay there is not a word spoken of it in the pulpits, which sheweth the exceeding great Security they are in./