The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Ralph Austen To Hartlib
Dating:22 July 1660
Ref:41/1/135A-136B: 135B, 136A BLANK

Worthy Sir
I purposed to haue waited on you my selfe at this time; but some occasions hinder at present; Wherefore I pray please to let me heare from you by the bearer hereof, my wife, by whom I may not faile to receiue it from you: I would gladly know how things stand in refference to that businesse you formerly spake of, which was (as you said) so likely to take effect, of that secret society of worthy, & welthy persons, who as they are able to doe good, are (it seemes) willing also: Now things are in a way of settlement, sure they will be encouraged: I pray Sir let me vnderstand something more of them, & whether I had best come vp to London, to waite on any of them, & to present some Booke to them, as was formerly spoken of: or what is farther to be done in the businesse.
Sir I pray for you, & desire your happinesse so rest
                       Your engaged freind & Servant
Oxon Iuly 22                  Ra: Austen

              For the worshipfull Samuell
               Hartlib Esqr at his
                house in Ax yard
                    Kings Streete