The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:21 July 1646

Deare freind
Yow haue here the letter which yow desire, & I intended to write to Mr. Pruvost: it is in French that hee may impart it to his Complices & it is to the effect that yow mentioned viz: that hee should consider that a generall authorization at first for the Husbandrie & fishing will suffise to bring in the rest, when hee shall bee assisted by a standing Committee towards the execution, I haue promised in this letter to him that yow would write & send him the Copie of the Ordinance which I drew up & the rest approoued of; therefore I shall desire yow to doe so &; & I think yow need not to enlarge the preface of the ordinance aboue what I put in Generall termes, that namely their proposalls should not bee preiudiciall to any mans priuiledges or iust rights, & so leaue out the &c. &c. which I added.
I thank yow for yowr care to addresse the letters I sent yow, & for the Papers yow sent me; I praye continue such informations & other intimations of particular proceedings from tyme to tyme. when yow haue sealed this inclosed to Sir William take a tyme to deliuer it before the post go if yow can. Commend me to Sir Cheney: & tell him when yow meet with him that I hade prettie large Conference with nine or tenne of the Gentelmen that Capt: Westerow brought together & I hope they were satisified, at least most of them seemed so, & some said so, & were desirous that I should write some discours more at large of it, which although I could doe yet I see no need of it if they will but bee ingenuous in what they professe & make use of what they know. tell him also sed sub sigillo silentij, that Captain Westerow was very inquisitiue of me to know whether or no the profit would not come [in in to altered] the state in Moneyes; to which I answered that I supposed some might come & must at first come in moneyes, but that in proces of tyme it would bee brought to that which is money worth; wherat it seemed to me that hee was not so well pleased as I know Sir Cheney is: tell him only this as an item from me in secret to bee made use of for tyme to come.
I haue gotten since I came hither an order from the Committee for 50 pounds as a quarter stipend due on Iune. 24. I find that it will come in with difficultie because the man who is to giue it, is to receiue it from the Committee men who haue farmed the Lands of the deane and prebends; & they take a libertie to paye when they please; so that if wee stand in need of subsistence wee must either contest with them or want it, yow may by[altered] yowr owne discretion acquaint Sir William with this as from yowr self. Thus commending yow to the grace of God
I rest              Yowrs in all bonds of Loue in Christ
Winton this 21. Iuly                   Iohn Dury.
                putte a seale upon
                pruvosts letter
[left margin:]
if I can gette this fiftie pounds I will send instantly to Mr. Cursellis 23. of it to bee made ouer by him to holland to Mrs. Abercrumbie: but till I see what I am like to gette I can not disprouide my self of necessarie subsistence.
I praye remember me to Mr. Godeman & tell him that it was not possible for me to see him before I went, although I did really endevour it

              For Mr. Hartlib
               at Dukes place
                  neer Algate