The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To [Hartlib]
Dating:4 May 1645

Deare freind
Yowr last was dated the 11 Aprill. wherin yow lette me know some passages of Mr. Moats discourses with yow concerning me & my businesse; I remember the man I pray yow salute him from me, & tell him that I heartily praye God that hee may the Happy instrument of opening a Dore, to a hearty correspondencye amongst all protestants for the public settlement & aduancement of Religion in opposition to Poperie: my Lord Forbes by whom I wrote to the Chancelour is not yet gone, if any thing can bee gotten in of what is due to him I praye let me know of it that the engagement into which hee hath brought me may bee discharged.
as for Alderman Kendrick his sonne I am willing to take the Care of his education; & wee haue house room enough, but wee are as yet exceeding slenderly prouided with necessaries & household furniture, our purse will not reach farre that waye, & wee are loath to putte our selues in debt. yow hadde done well to haue lette me know what age hee is of; & whether or no hee hath beene at any schoole heeretofore. the Custome in this [Countrie is that? MS torn] boorders bring their bedding sheets & [blankets? and ? words missing: MS torn] thinges belonging to their owne accommodation [? words missing: MS torn] with them; which they take (when they goe againe [a..? and ? words missing: MS torn] them also; what the rate should bee, I know not, but [word missing:MS torn] shall not disagree about it: wee shall lette yow [word missing: MS torn] the tyme (when wee can bee fitte to receiue him) by the next post; only inquire yow as of yowr self, when Mr. Kendrick would send him that wee may fitte thinges the better in the meane time.
The diuers passages of yowr former letter which I could not answer in my last; doe manifest a Prouidence working & disposing matters to some great reuolution; the Lord prepare us as his instruments to bee seruicable unto the occasions which hee offers: I would bee gladde that the Prince Elector should bee moued to support yow in a free waye to negotiat for him as yowr spirit shall lead yow: Dr Spanheim is somewhat of the Humour which yow coniecture & yow will find few Doctors who think they haue a [catchword: name in]

name in the world, & that mind a peculiar interest that will bee otherwise affected towards matters then Dr Alting was. that is approouing of nothing but what they doe themselues; & looking upon all thinges though neuer so spirituall in their aime, after a worldly waye of humane Policie: I would not haue blind to see no dangers; but they must not omitte for feare of danger, that which is iust, unblameable, & the only fitte meanes to bring about the ende which is to bee pursued. Monsieur de Mohun his proiects seeme very great, And to some <here> to whom I haue mentioned that which yow write of them, they are not altogether incredible; only a tyme of Peace would bee requisite to improoue those aduantages; for I feare that the least disturbance of warre in those parts where hee will beginne his workes may spoile all & make him uselesse.
I praye enquire there what benefit or reward might bee obtained for a secret, to make stinking waters sweet at an instant: in Long voyages at sea, the waters stink & are unhealthfull, now there is a freind of mind that hath a rare secret, to clense the water in a moment & by a meanes that is very healthfull, so that in sea voyages all those that drinck water may putte some therof into their cuppe & so preserue their health: I praye enquire what reward might bee hadde for the communication of this, to the east or west india Companies, & lette me know for if a benefit considerable may bee obtained, it will aduantage the public good another waye, for hee that hath the secret is wholly bent to aduance Religious aimes & would spend what hee getteth upon that obiect of Gods glory which is most eminent; viz: to further the Conversion of the Iewes & the Gentiles instruction.
my sister & Appelius yesterday went from hence to Amsterdam, to sette foreward their iourney for Germanye, I praye God forgiue hir malice which shee hath against yow & teach hir & us all our duetie; I rest in him
                                Yowrs in the Lord of Loue
Rotterdam this 4 May/24. Aprill     & Truth to serue yow
       1645.                                  Iohn Durey