The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:[27] February 1645

Deare freind
this last post brought me yowr newes with the inclosed printed paper of the French Synod against the Independents; but no letter. by my former yow haue understood what was done in yowr busines here, & how my condition is to bee altered towards a settlement in mariage with Mrs. Moore. now I am further to lette yow know that Mr. Rulice came hither the last weeke of purpose to conferre with Mr. Strezo & my self about the letter which I penned to bee sent by yowr freinds on yowr behalfe from hence: the result of our Conference was this, that wee found it not possible to moue those who were to concurre, to write to the whole Assembly; nor did wee our selues find it expedient: nor Could wee promise to our selues to gette those that know yow here to bee willing to subscribe the letter which I penned but this wee found might bee done, that my letter as I penned it might bee sent by those of Amsterdam to some of their speciall acquaintance of the Synod & that another letter to the same purpose might bee written from those that are here at the Hague to some others of the Synod, & that Dr. Spanheim could bee moued to write to Dr. Twisse[altered] on yowr behalfe; & that the Lord Forbes & some others might also bee moued to write to others of their acquaintance to the same effect. This wee found could bee done without difficultie & would bee more effectuall then the other waye which would looke too much like a plotte, & so discommend it self; but these letters comming seuerally from seuerall handes & to seuerall parties & all requiring the same thing will make the petition which is to bee presented for yow to the Parliament more effectually commendable to them. this wee [catchword: haue Concei]

haue conceiued to bee the best waye for yow, & for us only feasable. yow did once heretofore mention that Mr. Opde Beeck the dutch Minister did offer his assistance to aduance Mr. Appelius & my sisters passage into the Indies: if hee would as from himself make the offer to Mr. Appelius as hauing heard of such a purpose intended by him which here could not so well bee effected but might there bee brought to passe; I say if hee would make the ouverture & shew the waye perhaps hee & my Sister might bee induced to imbrace it; & in that resolution I would Contribute all the assistance that my Competencie would suffer me to giue.
Mr. Rulice told me that Mr. Vossius at Amsterdam told Monsieur Hotton that hee hadde giuen order to his freind at London that hee should for the procurement of a settlement of his prebend by the Parliament upon him giue to any that might bee instrumentall to aduance it a due proportion out of the summe which should bee due unto him; a tenth a ninth a sixt part &c. this I giue yow notice of that if Mr. Sadler know his freind who hee is & should recommend yow to him in this respect, hee may by Vossius order giue yow same Consideration for the good offices done unto him.
In the meeting of the States here; the league which they haue with the Swedes, & the effect therof is urged to bee putte in execution against the Danes; wherunto the States of Holland are fully inclined by reason of the interest they haue in the Sound: but some are opposit to it, & is a matter of debate: the Prince of Orange is loath to bee Consenting to an engagement against the King of Denmarcke.
it was said that the armye was to bee early in the field this yeare; but there is no great appearance of it to that it will bee sooner then ordinarye Monsieur La Strade a french Coronell who is employed for the [catchword: Correspondencie]

correspondencie about the conionction of armes is now here, & saith that it will bee a Moneth before hee returne to France, & then when hee comes backe againe from thence hither the resolution to go to the field will bee taken & not before; so that at least two Moneths are to bee allowed to his staye here & his going & Comming backe againe. The newes of Torseson his march into Bohemia is not certain. The meeting of Papists & Protestants to treat at Toren is dissolued by the retiring of the Popish Archbishop: it appeares that there was no sinceritie in the purpose on their side, but only a plotte to see what aduantage might bee gotten either in shew or in effect against the protestants dissenting amongst themselues: but it seemes that God hath disappointed their plotte for which I know not what thankes Nigrinus will gette. I haue nothing to adde for the present more but to beseech the Lord to direct yow in all thinges to his glory & so I rest
                          Yowr entirely affectionat
                            freind to serue yow to
                             the utmost of his power
                                         Iohn Durey.
Hague this [17/27? altered] Febr.
          This I haue inclosed to the Lady Ranalaugh
           to whom Mrs. Moore is now writing
           on yowr behalfe a letter to bee made
           use of towards others: but take yow no notice
            of it.

         For Mr. Hartlib.
          at his house in Dukes
           place neer Algate