The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Letter In Hartlib'S Hand, John Dury To His Sister
Dating:13 July 1644
Notes:Assumed to be copy of enclosure referred to in 3/2/39.

               Hage 13./3 Iuly 1644.
      j doe wonder that you will doe things in such haste and after your owne fancie not expecting the time which j promised to let you know of my arrival at Rotterdam. I am not yet setled there and you send over things vnto mee which if they bee lost vnto you, you may thank yourself. I doe not loue your forwardnes and in your letters you determine all things as if you had power to dispose of all without taking notice of any of those resolutions which your friend and j thought fittest to bee followed for your good and his. If you will proceed not and not follow council, you may finde the inconveniencie of it. I know not what to say you put mee to a stand; beleeue it if you will not bee councelled j must beleeue that you canot bee helped. In a word both your friend and j judges that hee can live better in England get imploiment [more?] conveniently there then here, and can helpe himself better with the Language there then here. And as for imploiment here there is no appearance of any for him and to live without imploiment in a place where all things are double at the price which they are at in England and in Scotland is an impossibilitie. I left him 3. days agoe in a resolution to come away and to take shipping with the first to come over to you. If you then come away before his arrival you shal misse him and put

yourself and him both to unspeakable inconveniencies, and trouble mee with needles charges for you both and with cares which by your precipitate proceedings you beget to yourself and your friends. If you needs will come away for all this then leave all the Papers which Mr H. gaue you concerning my debts with him, that Mr A. may make vse of them according to the direction which hee shal receiue. I am resolued to send over againe with him all your houshold stuffe which you sent hither. I pray to God to giue you [more?] wisdome then j perceive you haue and let not your spirit bee lifted vp with high conceits. I will performe the duty of a Brother faithfully to you in all things bodily and [spiritual?] but j doe not intend that you should rule mee. Take this in good part for it is the testimony of the loue
       of your affectionat B. to serue you.