The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Henry Oldenburg To Hartlib
Dating:16 February 1658

                                           Saumur the
Sir,                                     16.Febr. 1658.
Though we haue receiued no letters from you these 2 last weeks, yet doe I hope, the next post will bring us something, we long for, and that the more, because we make account, God willing, to breake up here, and within a month, and to hasten away for Frankford. They write from Paris of great desseins resolved upon the in the counsel of warre there, of sending one armie into Flanders this Spring vnder the conduct of the Duke of Anjou and his Lieftenant Marschal Plessis-Praglin; another into Germany, vnder the command of Marschal Turraine; a third unto Naples, vnder the Duke of Guyse; and a fourth into Catalonia, vnder the Duke of Mercoeur.     I could wish, MyLord Protectour would in good earnest interest himselfe in the affaires of Frankfurd; and I belieue, he doth so already; but if he obtaine not a <timely> composition between Sueden and Denmark, all will be in vain in all human appearance.    I must desire you, that after the receipt of these you will [deletion] please to hasten with all imaginable speed hither, whatsoeuer coms to your hands from MyLady Ranalaugh, to the end, that it may find us here: I shall not faile to tell you, when it will be time, to stop her letters untill you heare from us in another place. So I rest Sir   your affectionat reall servant   H.O.

               A Monsieur
                 Monsieur Samuel Hartlib
          Neer Charing=       à
          crosse        [another hand: franc pour Paris]
                          [post marks]
          Franc pour