The Hartlib Papers

Title:Copy Proposition In Hand G, Cressy Dymock
Ref:39/2/109A-110B: 110B BLANK
Notes:Original at 53/23.

               A Proposition imparted to Mr.
          Sam. Hartlib for the case of them that
       desire to raise Portions for their Children.
Whoe-soeuer hath a yong[H alters] Childe for whome hee would prouide a Competent portion , without too much weakening his present Estate, against that Child[H capitalises] come to bee 21 yeares olde.
               To all such I Propound.
That if hee shall pay down & deliver into my hands in trust to mannage for the good of his Child[H capitalises] tenne pounds I will (by Gods assistance) make good unto him for the vse[H alters from use] of his Childe this returne of profitt[altered] (viz:) at the end of the first 7 yeares[H alters from Yeares] (:hee keeping[altered] his Childe in the meane time att his owne Charge, as hee must doe however) hee shall receaue the summe of 4£ for or towards his Child's maintenance, & the next yeare the summe of 5£ & at the end of the next yeare againe 6£, and from thence-forth, to the age of 21 yeares<H:,> or till the same tearme bee expired<H:,> from the time of such agreement & the beginning of such accompt betweene vs, hee shall haue the said revennue or maintenance[altered] duely payd[H alters from payde]. And att the end of 21 years hee [catchword: shall]

shall choose[altered] whether hee will haue the said reuenue continued still, during the natural life of the partye interessed<H:,> or to receaue 50£ at the end of 21 yeares, in one entire summe[altered], & therewith for euer to rest satisfied.
     And If any man thatt can better bee without any such increase of maintenance shall desire to reserue all to one entyre payment, & untill the age or end of 21 yeares<H:,> hee shall att the end of that tearme<H:,> choose[altered] alsoe whether the partye [ratined?] & interessed shall receaue, from thence-forth the settled Revennue[H capitalises] of 20£ per annum during his other naturall life, or to receaue <H:150.>£ at one[altered] entire payment<H:,> & therewith for euer to rest satisfyed.
     There is onely to bee added these generall
                    Rules[H capitalises].
The death of the Childe[H capitalises] or party interessed[H alters] cutts of all farther accompt<H:,> saue onely the repayement of the summe[H alters from sume] first receiued, within 6 months after such decease, being Lawfully demanded.
     Any man may steer the same course for himselfe, his wife, friends, or kinsmen[H alters from kinsman]. Hee that Lykes & means to Lay holde of this proposition must subscribe his owne name, & the name of [catchword: the party]

the party, to bee interessed<H:,> & the summe[H alters from sume] hee intends to pay in (for if hee please to engage more or for more then one Childe, hee shall haue proportionable performances:) But the summe[H alters from sume] subscribed is not to bee payd in, nor the accompt to begin untill there bee at least 60 vnderwritten, and then to bee ready att a monthes warning.
Their securitye shall bee as to Law<H:,> two sufficient Cittizens of London<H:,> for the principall<H:,> & as to loue the fayth of a Christian<H:,> & for all encreasse or advantage my owne bond, & to the engagers I professe my selfe.
                             Their faithfull Steward.