The Hartlib Papers

Title:Extracts On The Durham Medical Scheme
Dating:4 September 1656
Ref:39/2/76A-77B: 77B BLANK
Notes:Copy at 53/12/1.

               Physicall charity
      Durham Colledge. September 4. 1656.
  I haue an account of Dr Tunstall by letter what was the Cause of his Physicall Charity, & why it is at a stand with vs: I will send you a Coppie of the Order of the grand Iury about it.
          Durham september 20th 1658.
  I haue sent you here inclosed the poore mans reliefe of Dr Tunstall's, and the order of the grand Iury which is as followeth
          Durham, at the Generall Sessions &c
               April 25. 1655
     The Grand urie at these Sessions having perused the Proposall of Dr George Tunstall of the Citty of Durham presented unto them.
     That hee will furnish the poore inhabitants of this County Gratis with aduice in all Cases wherin Physick and Chirurgerie is necessarie & also with Physick & Medicaments. [catchword: And]

     And hee desires that towards the payment of the Apothecary, Chirurgeon, prouideing Physick & other necessary Charges therin, that such of his County as are willing may subscribe their names & yearely[altered] Contribution for so long as they please towards this Proposall.
     And haveing duly Considered therof, wee apprehend it to bee an Act of great Charity towards the poore People of this County; And desire that by this Court, his proposall may bee recommended to the Ministers, Church Wardens & Overseers of the Severall Parishes & Chappelries of this County to take the subscription of such Contributors as shall bee moved to advance this Charitable proposall
     By the Grand Iurie
                    Robert Sharpe
                    Adam Shipperdson
Concerning this Dr Tunstall writes to me, Ianuary 21th 1657, when hee sent this paper
     As for the scope & ende of saveing life amongst the poore [catchword: of]

of that County, I am still the same man that shall undertake (if called therto) to direct the meanes that God hath prescribd that you may know how willing the Representative[H capitalises] Body of the People was to further the Proposall I send you here enclosed the desire of the Grand Iurie to the Iustices, which they (the Lord pardon it) refused to grant. Notwithstanding I wrote another letter to them, referring to their Considerations the first part of the 21 of Deuteronomy that many poore in one yeare hath been found slain by the stroke of curable diseases, I could easily euidence. That unles the Elders tooke Care, that necessarie helpes were supplied in due time, to such as through Povertie were not able to procure for themselues, I cannot understand so long as the Case is spirituall, how they with enlightened Consciences could wash their hands, or say, our hands have not shedde this blood, neither have our eyes seene it. Thus I have acquainted you, how much I laboured about that abortive. If you bee willing to present my proposall to the Gouvernours of your Colledge, you have my Consent to it. Let the Lord advise you & not I.