The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Robert Wood To Hartlib
Dating:30 October 1661
Ref:33/1/75A-76B: 75B, 76A BLANK

Honoured Sir/
            I must confesse I have been in your debt a letter or two I thinke these three months, at first I forbore to write as desiring to send you some good newes of what I could effect on your behalfe with others, but when after sufficient triall &c I found nothing would be done (charity growing very cold in this age) I was then really ashamed to tell you how I had been disappointed; since that time I fell sick againe of another fever this Autumne, which though not so violent & acute as that I labored under last yeare, yet it kept me prisoner in .. my chamber & weake as long as the former, which happened I thinke chiefly by reason of a Relaps I had in being a little over venterous: But now I praise God I am in as good health againe as ever, except only a little more tender which makes subiect to colds &c. I should be glad to heare of your health, at least of the mitigation of your paines. I can send you no good account of what we do in this dubious & uncertaine Country, but this I can certainely tell you that I am weary of it, and would not stay long[altered] in it could I disentangle my selfe from some affaires here which I doubt shall not do suddenly. This is only sent to know how you do, & to tell you that I am in the same degree as ever
                                  Your faithfull servant
  Dublin 8b 30. /61
                                            Robert Wood

[another hand]               WOOD
[Wood]          For Mr Samuel Hartlib
               the elder at his son
               Mr Hartlibs House
                    in Axe Yard
                    in Kings Street