The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:30 October 1642
Ref:2/9/41A-42B: 42A BLANK

                Grace & Peace bee to yow.
Both yowr last of the 7 of octob. are come to my hands, but I heare no newes of the packet wherin Mr Cudworths treaties are. I haue told yow that Long ago I haue sent backe unto yow the originall obligation of Dr. Sengel: my iudgment & affection concerning Mr Fundanius & what I can doe for him in my last I did expresse: therin I doe persist; for it is not possible in this unsettlement & distraction to doe any thing, & before wee bee setled in a course of our owne necessarie affaires which God calleth us unto it is neither wisdome nor Pietie to embrace other thinges of so vast a compasse at a meer aduenture: yet so I saye that if any opportunitie bee offered or any good hinte come to my minde to further those aimes which concerne Iungius & Fundanius I will not bee wanting therunto; but to sette it in my thoughts as an obiect to bee wrought out, I can not doe it at this tyme. if I could enioye my self I should not haue beene so long tyme a debtor to Sir Cheney & to yow for the Rules of meditation, for the wayes of Correspondency & for the Iewish conversion. yowr last letters by the post did cost mee 4. sh. sterl. I am not able to beare this Charge therefore except the letters bee of importance or bee to Mistris Moore take the opportunitie of some bearer, but lette me know his name lest hee forgetting me I should not bee ignorant of him, as now falleth out in Mr Cudworths treaties. yesterday wee heard at Leiden Dr Spanheim his oration de officio Theologi: hee is a man of good parts & eloquent in utterance, & I hope will doe good in his place. iust now I receiue the Copie of the letter which Mr Morian receiued from Mr Comenius, which was inscribed to him to yow & <to> me; I make no doubt but by this post yow will find a Coppie of it sent also to yow: wherby yow will perceiue that hee is gone from Sweden on the 22 of 7.ber & that hee hath made a motion to the Lord Chancelor for the entertainement of Iungius & Tassius; & that hee hath gotten leaue to stay this winter in Polonia or Prussia. I thought this afternoone to haue written somewhat to yow of the Correspondency of Learned men but my attendance at Court & some visits haue drawen me away from these thoughts which without recollecting my self I cannot putte to paper.
Mr Strickland is to gette his answer with the first that is in a daye or two, & hee is told that it will bee a fauourable one, & that the Prince of Orenge hath moued the Generall states to make it fauorable. wee heare much of the Queenes going; it is said that within 10 or 12. dayes shee should sette foreward; the coniecture is that shee will land at Newcastle, & I was told that Coronell Hinderson is gone to Denmarck to leauie some troopes & transport them [catchword: from thence]

from thence to hir landing place. they saye [? words missing: MS torn] are reddie to go from hence with hir, & some [? words missing: MS torn] bee hadde when shee is Reddie to goe; this is all [? words missing: MS torn] which I haue at present to impart to yow.
if Mistris Moores man Come to yow as hee will not [forget? MS torn] certainly to doe I praye deliuer this to him, but if hee hath not beene with yow send it to my Lady Clotworthyes for there hee will first arriue & then when hee doth meet with yow tell him of the letter; for it doth import Mistris Moore that hee should safely receiue it. Thus I commend yow to the Grace of God & rest
                         Yowr assured freind in
in haste from the Hague               Iohn Durye
    this 30/20 octob. 1642.

                   A Monsieur
                    Monsieur Samuel Hartlieb
             at his house in Dukes place
             neer Algate.                 a
[another hand:]
[over middle of address postage letters/numbers? and to left 57A]