The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:25 September 1642

Deare freind
The last weeke no letters came from yowr quarters they say that the post was stopped; wee long therefore to heare of yowr proceedings: but I in particular long to heare from yow concerning the particulars which these three weekes bygone I haue suggested unto yow partly by expresse the common waye partly by some that went from hence. I cannot repeat all that I haue mentioned & I hope it is not needfull I should because I suppose none of my letters are miscarried. yow see what I aduise my sister to doe; & what I adde to my former sent to Mr Borthwick; I expect also some answer concerning the motions made to yow about yowr self for the debt of Dr Sengell; & in relation of yowr employment about the Prince Electors affaires, which Sir Thomas Rowe could easilie procure unto yow when once the waye of yowr correspondency & employment for his cause should bee framed in subordination to the state of Protestancy the upholding of which must bee the great maxime of state of that house.
as for newes all that I can write is that the Queene eight dayes ago did demand of the states 14 shippes to transport hir into England within 14. dayes: it is supposed that within eight dayes they will bee here reddie to receiue hir; & Monsieur Heenvliet said yesternight that the Queene said to him, that let the shippes bee reddie neuer so soone shee will bee reddier to go then they: hee said also that information was come, that the Marquesse of Hamilton was to bee sent from the State of Scotland hither to intreat the Queene to returne into England. The Lady Roxborough is prouided with a shippe to go from hence within two or three dayes shee will bee going. Bisterfeld & Spanheim are not yet come. I haue nothing more to adde but that I am
Hague this 15/25 of 7ber         Yowr assured freind
     1642.                         to serue yow
                                     Iohn Durye

                   To his much Respected &
                   Louing freind
                   Mr Samuel Hartlieb seruant
                   to the Prince Elector
                   Palatin dwelling
                   in Dukes place
                   neere Algate         in
[another hand:]
[across and under address postage letters/numbers? and 196]