The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:18 December 1638
Notes:Turnbull HDC p192.

Deare freind
by this inclosed yow see that I haue receiued Mr Gore his beneuolence which was 50 Rixd. I haue not beene able to keep a Coppie of this; if yow thinck it may bee usefull to shew it to others yow may cause it bee Coppied out before yow giue it to him. I haue receiued yowr last of the 231.. Nouemb. with the packet adioined to it, wherin was Borrans his Commentarie upon Genesis. & the other three bookes; but the letter of 10. of 9ber which came before this to my hand & mentioneth another packet, is destitute of the like successe, because the skipper hath not deliuered the packet as yet to me which yow mention was deliuered to him. but I make no doubt but it will come to my hand in due tyme. I haue answered heretofore the Chief part of my tenant his desire concerning Mr Gee & I make no doubt but yow haue receiued my letters to Sir William Pelham & him; if Sir William bee slacke to putte in another man write of it to me & yow shall haue authoritie from me to doe it; or yow may enquire for an honest man[alteration] who may bee recommended to the Cure & putte in by Sir William at yowr request. I purpose to write to Mr Godeman about the matter which yow mentioned to me, viz: to giue him occasion to lette my Lord of Canterbury see the drift of my resolutions to see if for his sake; or mine owne sake & the works sake hee will doe any thing more towards me then I doe expect. but I must tell yow a Secret I know not whether or no I should desire to haue him doe much for me: the reasons I leaue to yowr owne Coniecture. the businesse of Scotland doth reflect upon our affaires here not a little; & I am daily in my priuat way much disturbed; & forced to loose tyme Idlely by reason of attendance, of visits & other occasions which withdraw me from mine owne proper taskes which are of such importance as any can bee if rightly considered, & which I only long to meddle with all. O that God would shew me an issue out of this unsetled way of living that I might bee able once to frame an Idæa of the workes which I should go about to accomplish & bee able to allow tyme also for priuat studdie lest I loose all that facultie which I haue hadde in litterature & philosophie. well, Gods will bee done. I haue many thoughts which I would giue yow an account of, & would sette to paper, but this I must write in the night season, & in haste & can find no tyme for the other.
pray for me & lette me heare from yow for I will not faile yow in what I am able to doe or in what God shall inable me; Commend me to all freinds & Chiefly to Mr Godeman & Mr St Amands the grace of God bee with yow & giue yow rest in all straits
Hamburg this 18. of 10ber.        I rest
                                    yowrs in Christ
                                        Iohn Durye
[left margin:]
if yow intend to shew the Coppie of Mr Gore his letter to any yow need not to tell to whom it was written, but yet I leaue yow in this to doe as yow think good.
The matters of state are all in suspense; the treaties of Peace betwixt the Swedish French & Imperialists are not very lickely to take Effect; it seemeth the Swedes take exception at some partiall proceedings of the King of Denmarck & doe not think him a fitte mediator: Bannier lyeth still, & expecteth a frost to passe the Elbe & follow Gallas: what effect the taking of Brisac will worke tyme will teach.

                   A Monsieur
                    Monsieur Samuel Hartlieb
                     Seruiteur du Prince
                      Electeur Palatin
              dwelling in Dukes      a
               place neere Algate      Londres
[top of page, Hartlib:]
18. decemb. 1638./.