The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Dating:27 November 1638
Notes:Copy of Engelbrecht's undertaking 2/6/11.

Deare freind
these are to lette yow know of the receipt of yowr last; which is that without date wherin the three sheetes of Mr Hubners discourse were inclosed which discourse I haue not yet beene able to read ouer; & now am not able to write at large neither; nor to make an ende of the letter to My Lord Mandevill which I hadde begunne with the last post; because my Lord Ambassador his iourney towards the King of Denmarck did hinder the writing therof heretofore, & now the Prince Elector his arriuall to this place doth take me away from that purpose: for now this morning hee is come from Bremen hither & the respect due to his highnesse hath bound me to leaue all other matters to giue attendance upon him in my Lord Ambassador his absence. I haue made an ende of the draught of my platforme in a generall discourse & haue giuen it to my Lord Ambassador along with him to read at leisure: Mr Rusdorf hath also seene it; & doth like it; I haue giuen it to Mr Elborough to consider also & when hee and one more viz: Mr Auerye hath seene it if nothing bee in it to bee altered when my Lord Ambassador commeth backe againe & hath told me what hee thinketh of it I will sette peter a worke to write it out for yow; it is prettie large & yet doth not descend to all the particulars which must herafter bee mentioned: neuerthelesse it will giue I hope to all Ioudicious readers reasonable satisfaction; & resolue most of the obvious doubts. the newes which wee haue are, that Bannier hath at [Donints?] fallen upon Gallas troopes which are on this side of the Elbe the other Better part therof beeing gone ouer a bridge which there hee hadde made; hee hath killed as is reported two thousand & doth pursue the rest remained on this side of the riuer. what this victorie will produce is uncertain. wee heare also that the passeports for the treatie of Peace are come to the Swedish Ambassador; but whether they bee such as will giue satisfaction & sufficient assurance unto those that ought to treat is yet uncertain. thus I commit yow to the Grace of God & rest
                                   Yowrs in Christ
Hamburg this 27. of 9ber                  Iohn Durye
[left margin]
Commend me I pray yow to all freinds & pray yow with them for me that I may once bee at some certaintie how to settle & free from outward distractions, that I may bee able to apply my self to profitable subiects wherin is spirituall delight for the public good of many.
this enclosed Coppie of Mr Engelbrecht his undertaking I send yow, that yow may iudge the better of his business in tyme to come when I shall bee able to informe yow of particulars
Tassius & Iungius haue not yet beene with me at all.

                   A Monsieur
                     Monsieur Samuel Hartlieb
                       seruiteur du Prince
                        Electeur Palatin
[at bottom, Hartlib:]
27. of Nov. 1638./