The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Sir Cheney Culpeper
Dating:25 June 1641

                Grace & Peace bee to yow
Sir Cheney
gladly would I haue bidde yow farewell by word of mouth; but Mr Hartlieb can testifie how suddain my departure must bee by reason of the Conveniencie to passe into Holland, where I purpose not to staye aboue a moneth or sixe weekes Godwilling, & then at my returne hoping to find yow confirmed in health I shall haue occasion to recompense this default with larger conversation then hitherto I haue beene able to haue with yow; that the thinges wherof yow haue hadde but a taste till now may bee largely sette before your understanding to feed theron by the grace & illumination of Gods spirit. keep your heart in a cheerfull frame under the good will of God; & lette it not bee troubled for priuat euills or public distractions, yow know that God can bring light out of darknesse & will also doe it to such as feare his name, I remember my respects unto yowr Ladie & rest.
                Yowr worship his
                               most affectionat &
                                 Louing seruant in Christ
this 25 Iune. 1641
   at Ellis Court in St Martin's lane          Iohn Durye

              To the Right Worshipfull
                Sir Cheney Culpeper Knight