The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Sir William Pelham
Dating:25 June 1641

Right worshipfull
the suddennesse of my call to Ireland, & of my Resolution for Holland, & other circumstances not permitting me to see yow, haue occasioned these lines to bidde yow farewell till a moneth or sixe weekes bee past; for Godwilling I purpose to staye no longer: Mr Hartlieb is able to informe yow fully of all the occasions & motiues which haue drawen me to these Resolutions: giue me leaue then to remitte yow unto him lest I should seeme troublesome. I beseech the Lord to conserue yow, yowr Ladie & Children in good health & long life, & giue yow the blessing promised to such as feare him, that yow may see peace & prosperitie on Israel; pray for me that I may bee an instrument therof according to Gods will, for I will endevour also to Remember yow & yowrs at the throne of Grace who am
                     Yowr worship
                                 his most obliged &
                                 humble seruant in Christ
at Ellis Court at Mr Dopson
his house this 25. Iune                  Iohn Durye

              to the Right Worshipfull
                Sir William Pelham Knight