The Hartlib Papers

Title:Ephemerides 1657 Part 2, Hartlib
Dating:may 1657 - December 1657
Notes:Ephemerides 1657 is divided between 2 files.

The French Academy treates of Education dedicated to Cardinal Richelieu. Mr Boyle.
Bartolinus makes discovery of a herbe wherby the falling sicknes is infallibly cured. Hee being convinced of it by many Experiences counts it worthy that it should bee declared and divulged for the good of mankind. The Plant grow's vpon an elder. Id.
Mr Baxter the Minister commended Aqua Persicaria as the most souveraigne medecin for the stone to my Lord Broghil. Id.
Mr Baxter.
Pasa compse (Omnis Pulchritudo) Laurembergius an excellent Treatise concerning Beauty, wherin there are many excellent Cosmetica. Clodius.
Ossifraga or Ossicolla a stone containing an Vniversal Chirurgicum healing all bones or fractures whatsoever. It lyes vpon the sea-shoare. It conglutinates mightily the bones, and indeed too much that they stand out too much. But son Clodius hath invented a Correctorium of it. Also hee is persuaded it bee the best Medecin against the Stone and Gout. There is a Treatise written on purpose of it. Id.
Sambucus in Salice is to bee had in Iames
Falling sicknes.

Parke. But Bartolinus should not make so great a matter of it, the use of this plant having beene discovered long before his time. Id.
The vse of Persicaria was not know'n as to the curing of the stone but of late. Paracelsus cal's it Mercurius Medicinæ. etc.
One Mr Flood that is heire to all Robert de Fluctibus not far from Maidstone hath a MS. of Husbandry which hee promised to give to the Publick by Sir Cheney Culpeper.
Mr Flood
Sir Cheney Culpeper
A most excellent Remedy to boyle creame into an Oile or butter, which one vsed in the most exquisite torments of the raw skin that covers the pputium in the Piles or stone. After all meanes vsed nothing would take away the paine (which when hee made water were vnexpressible) but this oile or butter. Vnmussig.
Paines in the yard.
Calculus veniæ.
Hæmerhoids Piles.
Millipedes stamp't and boyled in butter and applied to the hæmorrhoides is one of the most soveraigne Medecins. A Gentleman travelled all Countries over to finde a Remedy, and having spent all his meanes hee found and vsed this at last in Fraunce and was happily cured by it. Id.
Lipsius in Annotationes in Tacitum speaks of a herbe as an Vniversal Chirurgicum to heale all manner of wounds to bee found in England. Videatur locus. Mr Strauch to Son Clodius.
Vniversal Chirurgicum.
Rockley a Rockley a Gentleman of 4. or 5 hundred a yeare

a yeare in Yorkshire (which is there a considerable estate) an excellent Mineralist that hath great abilities for discovering of Mines. Hee is so good a Husband that way that so much as his Iron mines destroy of his wood hee receaves it as fast from his new plantations of wood, so as to him the Iron-mines destroy none of his wood which should bee endeavoured throughout the whole Nation for saving of wood and going on with their Iron-works.
Planting and saving of wood.
Hee was on the kings side and taken
In which time hee studyed the Art of Memory and brought it to that perfection being heretofore Fellow of Vniversity College. Dr Tong.
Art of Memory.
Mr Walker a Traveller and Fellow of the said House brought over or procured a Seed of an Italian Wheate of a most prodigious encrease, as the Lady Hilliard hath experimented. The greatest difficulty she finds only how to scare away the birds which for the most part devoure it. If this could bee remedied, it would proove a most enriching Husbandry over all the Nation this
Husbandry of Wheate.
Lady Hilliard.
Scaring of Birds.

seed pretending to thrive as well in barren grounds soe that vpon this account all our barren Land might bee plowed vp and so enriched. Id.
Mr Walker hee feares would turn Monke or a most retired studious life. An accurat Aristotalian Vniversal Philosopher. Wishes Mr Comenius would shew vs the new way's for Invention for Copia Rerum, which hee conceives hee will better performe then to give vs any true Realities. For hee count's his Sapientia Prima to bee nothing but Verbalities. By this it seemes hee discovers himself to bee fittest to elaborat Ars Vniversalis Bisterfeld.
Mr Walker.
Ars Vniversalis.
This Mr Obadiah Walker is lodged at Mr Hilliards house in the Deanes-yard Westminster at the further corner. Id.
Addresse for Walker.
Mr Iohn Massam of Cuxton in Kent neare Maidstone is vpon a Chronologica Diatribe which hee meanes to publish. A very accurate schollar that way and that had much communication with the Primat of Ireland about these kind of studies. Dr Tonge.
Iohn Massam.
Mr Bishop sometimes of Vaux-hall lives now over against the Landing-place cal-
Mr Bishop

called the Falcon in Soutwarke, who hath incomparable Optike and Accoustiques besides Burning-Glasses.
It were to bee desired that hee might confer with Mr Smethwick. Dr Tonge.
Dr Tonge told of a Remedy How not only to scare away but also to kill quite all destroying birds by meanes of Torches and a Lanthorne to goe round about the hedges. For the Birds seeing or being scared by the light of the Torches they will all flye or betake themselves to the Lanthorne and so they may bee knock't downe or taken by hundreds. Id.
Dr Tongue.
Killing or taking of Birds.
Hee told also of an Expedient about Pidgeons that they need not to bee destroyed as is proposed by many. If all the Crow's could bee killed they would not doe so much hurt. But now the saying was verified - Dat veniam corvis vexat censura Columbas.
Dr Tonge.
It should also bee enacted that at least so many Pidgeon-houses should bee kept vp as could bee maintained out of the scatterings of the Corne in harvest time. Id.

The goodnes of Mr Smethwicks Tube of 2-foote consists 1. in that it will performe as much as one of 4. foote. 2. that it hase but one refraction and so is the clearer, others having two.
Mr Smethwick
It will discerne a man of 10 English miles distance. It's sold for 40. shillings.
Colonel Hutchinson hase one and doth valew it as good as another of .4. foot.
It magnifies also more then other Glasses as having in it both a Concave and a Convexe. Mr Smethwick.
One May-huy cozened Mr Smethwick of his Invention for burning-glasses learning the line of it and stealing one of his Papers from him. Hee came vp to London with it and caused his Trunke to bee broken vp before witnesses. By that invented Glasse hee can <melt,> burn silver or glasse in an instant, as Colonel Hutchinson hath testified vnder his owne hand. The like Glasses are not yet extant in the world. They will also cast a most huge light by their ray's so as to see at night the dials vpon Churches etc. Also to enlighten a whole Gallery though never so long. Hee valew's them at 20 lb. a piece. Id.
His tube (the objective Glasse) is concave on one side and convex on the other side by which meanes it hase but one refraction. Id.

One Baily is one of Mr Worsleys best optical Workemen in London. Id.
Optical Workemen.
Mr Mercator told of a peculiar way practised in Norway wherby they can raise in 24. houres the whole Country as they did once against the Scots when they thought to march through their Countrey to the Swede, being all of them over throw'n in the narrow passage. This way is by a hasty delivery of a key from one to another which every body is bound vpon his peril to <deliver to> an other as soone as hee gets it. Mr Mercator.
Mr Rooks lives with the Marquess of Dorchester at Heygate being entertained by him with a stipend of 50 lb. a year. But both the chaplains bee Mr Smethwicks special Friends, as having beene his Scholars.
Mr Rooks.
Marquess of Dorchester
Major Morgan commend's mainly his optical Tubes and bids him to stand to it against Sir Paul Neal's Glasses.
Major Morgan.
Hee hase no great opinion of his hand-Tubes. But the line which hee hath found out for Burning-glasses hee is positive that the like are not found in the World and that it can bee demonstrated that no more can bee made out then what hee hath done.
Colonel Hutchinson gave the following testimony or certificat of which hee keepes the Original. A Burning-Glasse. It melted a two pence immediately before one could tell 30. It melted Glasse and made it run as in a furnace. This j saw myself. I. Hutchinson. Mr Smethwick hase not studied
Colonel Hutchinson Certificat
Vses of burning-glasses

or found out yet all the vses. Smethwick.
His scales for 2 lb. hee vndertakes to make the first paire.
Scales. Smethwwick.
Reason Why a Patent should bee granted. Amongst others that the burning-glasses, scales, Tubes will come into greater vse by this meanes and the Inventor bee enabled to afford them cheaper wheras now they are so deare that very few can goe to the price of them.
Cheapnes of Burning-glasses.
Mr Bishop once of Vaux-hall that would otherwise admit no living soule to see his tooles and workings, etc. offered to Mr Smethwick of his owne accord to communicate with him in all offering his owne house for lodgings etc. and to buy one piece of his burning-glasses for 12 lb. or 20 lb. himself.
Mr Bishop. Burning-glasses.
Mr Worsley confesses Smethwicks Tubes as good as any there are but no more by way of any transcendency. The greater Tube one of the Glasses is a burning-glasse. Id.
Tubes. Smethwick.
Mr Bridge Chaplain to the Right H. the Earl of Northumberland at Petworth in Sussex.
Mr Bridge.
Capitain Chambers at the Golden Anchor on Milbanke
recovered the concealed Revenues of the poore
Captain Chambers.
Chelsy College.

poore knights of Windsor and hee is the fittest Agitator for Chelsy College. Dr Tonge.
Chelsy College.
One Sprig is a fellow of Durham College excellent for drawing and painting and very Optical also.
Durham College
Mr Sprig Optica.
Mr Vaughan an other Fellow vndertaking in two years to fit schollars for Vniversity for Latin and Hebrew.
Mr Vaughan.
Didactica Lingua Latina.
Hinton the Mr of it an indesputable schollar.
Also a Fellow of Magdalene College a Vniversal schollar - one of the Professors or Fellows. Id.
Objection against Heath, what though it bee good against stone etc. etc. but the Question may bee whither it will not breed some other diseases it being vsed so long as Hops. Mr Potter.
For the vniversal good of Ireland it's proposed by him that all Parishes should bee obliged or invited voluntarily to stock it with Corne cattle Ploughs etc. every Parish maintaining a man etc. there etc. By this all idle poore People might bee provided. And besides this whole designe might bee carried out without any Money. Mr Potter.
Designe for Ireland.
Mr Straitter an Astronomer next to the Pelican on Tower-hill excellent in the Observation of Planets etc. Recommended so by Mr Worsley and to bee encouraged out of the new revenues.
Mr Straitter.

Drinking of great draughts at once doth not quench thirst so much as by drinking by little and little. To this purpose there are peculiar invented Glasses, observed by Mr Dury in Germany at Worms etc. with narrow necks. The like there are in Transylvania vsed but those more for pleasure and wantonnes. Mr Dury. Vnmussig.
Didactica Sanitatis
Andrew Prime
Without White-Chappel-bars in White-hart Court a Clockmaker maketh the Pipes to the Lamps.
Andrew Prime
Mr Amberfeld in Leaden-hall street over against Cree-church maketh the Lamp-Lanthorns with Muscovia glasse for 2 shillings 6 pence a piece.
Mr Greene maketh the Lamps best of any at the Pickel-herring Glasse-house in Southwark at 6. pence a piece. Vnmussig.
Mr Page is to assist the publishing of Mr Rushworths English History.
Mr Page.
Fiorovanti is found a very approoved and authentical Author in all his Experiments, if one know how to vse him aright. For the truth must bee picked vp from several of his places. This Mons. Poliers observation from a great Philosopher in Fraunce.
Mr Potter's Hotham heard of a Gentlewoman in Westminster having a Vniversal Husbandry for fertilizing of all kind of barren grounds whatsoever. Mr Babington.
Mr Hotham.

Dr Lake a Civilian a Rojalist but very ingenious man hath invented a new kind of Houre-glass, where by sinking of the Water no body knows how, the houre is denoted. A special Friend of Mr Smethwicks. Hee will bee one of the fittest men to experiment the kinds and vses of the weather-glasse. Mr Smethwick.
Dr Lake
New houre-glasse
Pensa weather-glasse.
At Mentz Dr Kuffler saw stone-jugs of 8. Gallons big 30 years agoe of that kind of Clay which is found therabouts. Of this Earth should bee made vessels or hogsheads to keepe the wine in, which would bee of incredible vse to the wine-merchants at Collen etc and much more to the aqua vitæ Merchants of Strasburg. For these liquors being kept in woodden vessels the wines waste themselves soe much that they must bee filled every weeke.
Didactica divitiarum.
There are English Factors at Cullen that doe nothing else but send over those stone-bottles from thence into England. These

were the fittest men to get those other bottles from Meintz.
Vessels made of Tarras in this kind should bee first experimented. Whither they would not alter the wine in taste and colour, as it is found that it dose not in the other bottles. If it would doe it would bee most admirable and gainful.
To this end the best way would bee to get from those Quarters in Maintz an experienced and skilful Potter, that should proove all sorts of Clay in England, Whether the like bee found there as in Germany.
Drebbel found accidentally in a well some bottels with Beere which had beene there about 80. years. Hee drank of it and confessed never to have drunke the like liquor.
The above-white-earth vessels of or stone-pots in Maintz are inwardly glased glasieret etc. Dr Kuffler.
At one Mr Whyting in Gardners lane a schoolmaster who is acquainted with the Gentle-

woman that professeth to have skil in causing Corne to grow plentifully in dry barren ground whatsoever, and the same Mr Whyting hath a proofe of the same corne growing in his Garden sowed in gravel. Mr Babington.
Mr Whyting.
Crugerus hath a new invented way for ready and most paralel sciaterica in all places. The Instrument will not stand above 2 shillings 6 pence.
Hee commended much the Invention of Dr. Wilkins at Oxford of watering a whole Garden. Crugerus.
Mons. or Baron Schlieben invented Vniversalem Linguam. Id.
Baron Schlieben.
Vniversalis Lingua.
One Burrel hase written a Treatise of Ocularis <Auditio> Sermo in 4to how to know what one speaks by seeing. Dr Leake.
Didactica speaking.
Mr Fosters brother told Mr Haack of one in Yorkshire that had made most admirable and stupendious spectacles but would not reveale the Art nor impart any of them to any body till the king was established. The Primat of Ireland could not obtaine them. Mr Haack.
Mr Foster
Rare spectacles.
Mr Haack.
Mr Cooper Minister told mee of one Iohn or [one word missing] Philips a Haberdasher vpon London-bridge an excellent Mathematian especially for advancement of Navigation. Hee is a very godly man approoved by Mr Caril and others.

Hee hase printed a Booke and is going to print more. The former hee presented to my Lord Protector, being presented and recommended by Mr Cooper vnto his Highness. Hee desires a College for <advancement of> Navigation. Mr Cooper.
Laudanum found accidentally experimentally to bee by Agricola to bee excellently good for taking away of Cornes, which son Clodius also tried and found the like good succes. Now trying it to take away the paines of the Piles. Clodius.
Lady Hilliards Italian-Wheate altogether blasted this summer so that she will scarce have seed left for an other year. Fault the poornes of soyle subject to blasting.
Italian wheat.
Lord Lambert had some out of Italy sent him no but it comes not vp in so many stalks being planted in his Garden.
Lord Lambert.
A new device of a new kind of hinge to bee fastned to the dore will make the doore shut itself without any pulleys etc. Hee saw it at Mr Wrens, but Dr Tong invented it also. Owefield is making it for 2 shillings 6 pence.
New Invention.
Dispensatoria domestica.
A pint of bruised old wheate lesse or more put into ale and or biere when it is working makes the liquor stronger flowrly et preserves it fresh and from sowring. Mr Brereton, Pell, etc.

Mr Poole Minister of London of Mr Croones acquaintance is vpon a designe of collecting all signal and extraordinary Providences of God, wherby the mouth of Atheisme may bee stopped. The formality of collecting of them is the essential part of the designe. As that by every one minister in every shire that is judicious it may bee vndertaken, that the report bee brought in vpon oath taken before a magistrate. That the party engage to take the same oath as often as shall bee required. That the Originals of all these Intelligences bee reserved as vpon record in Sion-Colledge London.
Mr Poole.
Gods Providences.
Anti-Atheistical Intelligence.
Mr Croone in Pewter-platter Alley in Gracious-streete wants now imploiment being no longer in a capacity to keepe his Fellowship of Emmanuel. A good Historian, Latinist, Painter or drawer, Mathematitian, Medicus etc. Dr Worthington.
Mr Croone.
A new booke of Barrow's vpon data Euclidis printed at Cambridge this year.
Libri selecti Mathematici
The worke of Commentaries or Bibliotheca Criticorum is going on apace.
Bibliotheca criticorum.
Mr Streete is excellent in Astronomy et Astrology. Hee hase published some thing already and is making ready the rest of the planetary Motions. Hee vndertakes for the Longitude.
Mr Street

Son Clodius Patient Clemens related how one troubled with the stone also of the bladder for 7. years by meere eating of 20. raisins of the sunne, <N.B. without the stone> at a time morning before dinner and at night hee voided a world of gravel stone and slime and was perfectly cured at last. Mr Clemens ex relatione son Clodius.
Raisins of the sun.
Mr Clemens.
Hee hath also given him a most approoved Remedy against scabs Tetters <etc. etc.> that hase done wonders. Clodius.
Scabs. Tetters.
Greatrix hath taken a Garden in one my Lord of Arundels-house to trie all manner of experiments for exotick herbes and grout. Sir Cheney Culpeper.
One Steward in Hampshire does practise his new invented Plough of 2 or 3. sorts, which Sir Cheney Culpeper vndertakes to perfect with Greatrix.
Mr Steward.
Mr Wood spoke of an Experiment of graffing of vines vpon a Peach-tree, which will make the Grapes wonderfully big.
Wood. Vines.
Mr Bates, September 3, came to my house. Hee hath a very great Library.
Mr Bates.
My Lord Mayor hath a desire that every ward (25. there bee) of London may erect and maintaine a Charity schoole and Good Men and women to bee Instructors of the said Poore Children of both sexes. We crave your prayers for the prosperity of it, that Christ's kingdom in little ones may more and more bee advanced. Mr Harmar.
London Charity-schooles.

One in Tuttelfield is cutting of a harts horne far cheaper then otherwise it can bee had. And there is but this one man that dose it. Son Clodius.
Lord Goretsky hath several Mechanica. As. 1. A watch to bee wound vp backwards or forwards, which may bee also applied to mils to goe without the tide or when low water. 2. An Houre-glasse vpon every turning shewing the Clocke or quarters of it made of Amber. 3. An experiment for Gun-powder by putting 2 or 3. drops of a certain liquor to out shoot the old gun-powder. 4. A lampe that may bee flung vp and down and not bee broke or extinguished etc.
Oile of citron to bee put into (gun) powder will so much exalt it, or which is cheaper oile of Turpentine. Clodius from Goretsky.
Bees may bee fed all winter long with toastes or white bread spread with honey. Wartensius hase devised a new kind of bee-hive which may also bee affixed to windows and is transparent.
Pensa Clodiana.
Bees. Wartensius.
One Mr Wynch-combe at Henpick in Barkshire neare Newberry a Papist a very Philosophical Man and especially fitted for Addresses of all manner of accommodations,
Mr Wynch-combe.

as to direct where the best knives, bricks, as in Essex. Hee hath invented a new kind of Chimney wherby a Million might bee saved in fuel to the Nation. For it is so contrived that it draws the smoake and flame and reflects exceedingly the heate into the room from a very little fire in the chimney. Hee is ruined in his estate et son Hartlib interessed in him.
Mris Iackson widdow to Dr Iackson once dwelling in Gardiners Lane got from her Husband vpon his death-bed the vniversal compost for enriching of the most barren Ground whatsoever.
Bricks. Essex.
Publique good.
Mris Iackson.
One Mr Forrest a Scotch-man in the Paved Court at Blackfriars reported by Mr Ramsay to have an excellent and approoved secret against the stone. Hee is no professed physitian and hath imparted his Medecin to Sir Thomas or my Lord Widrington the Speaker. Mr Ramsay.
Mr Forrest.
Viro excellenti et plurimum Reverendo Esdræ Edzardo Sanctæ Theologiæ Licentiato longe dignissimo patrono et amico maximo. Author Memoriæ Iungianæ.
Mr Avery told that there is an auncient Gentlewoman in Christophers Alley in
Mris Avery.

the Vpper end of Morefields that hath a most excellent ointment wherby she hath cured a great number of the gout stone and j know not what else. Mr Avery's son lived <once> in the same house and Mris Avery in Dukes place vndertakes to direct by her maid to the said Gentlewomans house. Mris Avery.
Woman household.
Mr Babington the fittest man to bee sent.
Mr Babington.
The Iesuit in the China History relates and describes a Plough in vse amongst them that both ploughs sows and harrow's. Mr Brereton.
There is found a stone in Lapland which being applied to the navel, is said to cure instantly and perfectly the dropsy. And when it is laid in water it is observed to drink vp all the water. Clodius.
Dropsy. Stone of Lapland.
A most excellent Receipt a vniversal chirurgicum Balsamum Mr Haack hath gotten from Mr Bond. Mr Haack.
Laying a new cabbage leafe to the pained parts of the Gout Mr Babington professes to have found in one day a greater ease of it then by all other Medecins whatsoever. Mr Babington.
Cabbage leafe.

The 28. November a Tradesman about Cripple-gate came of his owne accord vnto mee imploring assistance for the perfecting of his Invention for drawing of all manner of weights etc. perhaps for facilitating of Cariages.
How to make a dainty and faire walke of Oakes. Receipt. By only graffing an Oake and vpon an Oake. This Mr Wood did see somwhere in Norfolke, or elsewhere.
It's a pretty accommodation and perhaps not soe easily thought vpon. Wood.
Walke of Oakes.
Mr Wood.
The Invention of Vrination is very far advanced by Grattrix and his Partners. Mr Boyle.
Going vnder water.
Mr Boyle with Wren la experimenting especially the Needle of Variation, which is a very noble designe tending to a further discovery of the World. Mr Boyle.
Mr Wren.
Needle of Variation.
Mr Boyle.
Mr Wren is making a Book for Astronomical subscriptions for advancement of Astronomy, for making of Instruments, Observations etc. for a Plus Vltra. Id.
Astronomical subscriptions.
Dr Gawdens wife was relating a wonderful cure or Medecin for the stone which hee hopes to get. Id.
Dr Gawden.

Mr Boyle promised to impart a most stupendious way of curing the stone.
Mr Boyle
Dr Cox hath the Programma of a stupendious Anatomical Vndertakings and embalming of bodies to make them looke as when they lived, and that for 12. years together.
Dr Cox.
Embalming of Bodies.
Mr Gardiner at Maidstone thought to have the great worke. Hee hath the rare
Ms. of Isaac Hollandus De Vegetabilibus. The fore-said Gentleman is said to be almost distracted. Clodius.
Mr Gardiner.
MS Isaac Hollandus
Mr [word missing] of Islington hath sent for 8 lb. of herba Thee having a friend a Merchant there. Clodius.
Herba Thee
The East-India Company of Amsterdam hath kept mighty close for 7. years their discovery of a New World as big as Europe between the West-and East-Indies. But now they are said to have discovered it in general having renewed their charter and settled their desired Priviledges. They have not any ways conquered the same, but only Trade with them with exclusion of others. Id.
New Discoveries. Holland.
New World.
Martindals cariages to bee assisted with anie winde or Mr Dymocks way which seemes to bee the same. Mr Dymock highly approoves of it for the vsefulnes in Fens. 2. To carrie
Martindals Invention.

commodities to the Market in good quantity and drie. 3. to goe to church the Gentlemen themselves being the Coach-men, or to ride abroad for pleasure. 4. for childrens goe-cart and their play's with a Holland-horse as it were afore as it were drawing the coach with 3 or 4 Persons in it, wheras the Motion is made by some other way. Dymock.
Martindals Cariages.
The Earl of Worcester imparts secretly a Paper vndertaking wonderful Inventions of several kinds. Id.
Earl of Worcester.
Henricus IV detected the Gun-powder Treason to King Iames as some told Mr Haack.
Historia Angliæ.
Gunpowder Treason.
The German physitian for collection of the 20. Familys hath imparted a most excellent Receipt against the stone that is powerful to carrie away all the Tartar wherever it bee found in the body to Clodius. Dr Michalson of Leipsigk is both a witnes and great approover of it etc. Clodius.
His name is Frederick Kretschmer, Licentiatus Medicinæ.
Fromantil hath made a clock that needes not to bee would vp within a month. It was sold to the Lord Protector for 3. hundred lb. Son Hartlib.
Mr Wild is setting Mr Smethwick vpon the
Mr Wild.

vpon the making of Tubes with a Conical section which no body hath done yet since the wishes of des-Cartes. But these also will not so much magnifie as clarifie the Objects, so that they shal appear far clearer and brighter than ever they have shewed by any Tubes afore.
Tubes with Conical section.
And if there were halfe a dozen or halfe a score of gentlemen that would take of a Burning-glasse for 10. lb. a piece, hee would set vpon the making of the engines or moulds for them.
Burning glasses.
The vses of it will be see mainly for casting and spreading of light at a great distance, e.g. in besieged citys, etc. for enlightning of streets, long Galleries etc. etc. Mr Smethwick.
Optical Lantorns.
Mr Wray Sir Christopher Ray's son in Lincoln-shire vse in all their beere and ale for the whole Family in stead of Hops a little bagge with Ginger hung in the barrel. This makes it very cleare spirituous of a good relish and lasting. Mr Brereton.
Mr Ray.
Hops. Ginger.
Mercator hath brought the Trigonometry to its vtmost perfection, so that nothing can bee more added vnto it. Hee hath comprised all in one Rule and which is so mnemonical that the Learners shal need no more the helpe of any Table, either of Oughtred or any others. Mercator.

There is an old booke extant De Turffis which is very much commended as having many singular things in it, which Clodius hath lighted vpon.
Mr Harmar related of one who vsed in the fits of the stone to drinke of a new laid egge professing to have found a great deal of ease by it. Mr Harmar.
New-laid egge.
Quæstio whether the Egge was drunk of raw.
One Bladwal had a year agoe a patent for several engines <one> against going against the streame etc. Dymock.
Bladwal. Inventions.
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