The Hartlib Papers

Title:Ephemerides 1651 Part 2, Hartlib
Dating:1651 [From C. April]
Notes:Ephemerides 1651 is divided between 2 files.

One of the secrets of stationers wherby they judge commonly of the goodnes and saleablenes of a Booke is if it bee not stiched but brought to them or carried about bound not in sheepes but calves Leather. Mathews the book-binder.
One (perhaps Dr Fountaine) hath imparted a secret of dying of scarlet to Mr Ramsay, which Mr Dury is translating into English out of French. By the gaines of this Experiment hee hopes to bee able to free himself out of Prison. and therfore is to bee kept very secret. Mr Dury.
Mr Ramsey
Mr Dury
Quicksilver being looked vpon by Mr Boyle in a Microscope a very strange light or brightnes was discovered about it or in the whole roome. Id.
There lies a Petition of Sir W. Perseval in the hands of Mr [Frost?] to have leave to goe to sea for trying of his Magnetical Longitude.
Sir William
The Anonymous Adeptus in New England confessed that hee has got his hints from reading of certain Papers of one Iohn White as I take it called the Gilder of Norwich of whom Mr [Frost?] can tell.
Philos. Stone
Is to set down the whole story of the Adeptus in New England with all the matters of fact of the old woman getting new teeth and haire and new life in the Peach-tree that had beene withered 8 years.
By Letters since Stirke is advertised from the said Adeptus that hee hath lighted on 60. that had the Lapis. Id.
One presented to the Duke of Buckingham in King Iames' time a most rare concave and convexe Glasse the secret of the principal vse being discovered to Mr Dury.

to bee that by it in the day time in many fields of all the objects therein were cleerly and nearly represented whether it were the approach of Armies or any thing else. Lanyon's and May-hui's Glasses should therfore bee tried and directed to those Vses.
Pensa Optica
Also Spinowsky's Invention who aimes at the same things and seemes to vndertake accordingly for it.
May-huy. Spinowsky.
In red-crosse-street his glasses burn instantly any mettal except Iron.
The Rarity of one of his Optical Pictures is that there appeares but the face of one young handsome man but a cylinder being held vpon it there is 3. or 4 several faces of an old Woman an Ape etc.
Optical Picture
Mr Dury hath the Receipt or Composition of those Burning-Concave-and Convex Glasses amongst his Papers as likewise of the Mould to take of anything by way of Representation.
Mr Dury
MS Optica
Ars Physica
Mris Slingsbey imparted to him a rare Receipt against the Rickets a Copie of which hee gave mee.
Receipt of Rickets
Many of Lanion's Experiments to preserve beefe etc. from stinking etc. etc. vid. his Catalogue.
Pensa Mr Dymock
Mr Dury hath a Receipt and an Invention of a Lampe or Globe-Lampe, that may bee trundled like a ball and the Lampe shall never goe out.
Invention Lampe
One Morgan one of the best Herbarists for English plants. Hee is raising a Publick Botanical Garden neare the booling greene or alley at Westminster giving 5. lb. for rent a year having 27. years interest in it. Those that joine with him is Dr Howe maker of the Preface of Phytologia another Stanly an Apothecarie and a third whose name Dr Child had forgotten.
Botanical Garden.
Mr Walley Alderman at Chester Colonel Hill spoke vnto

Bee the stationer is printing Scriptores Rerum Anglicarum or All the Auncient Historians of England which lye yet dispersed in several MS. in many libraries here, as in St-Iames etc.
Bee. stationer
Opera Anglicana
Mr Iunius is remooving himself into Low Countries to Amsterdam to assist the publishing of Vossiana Opera (of which hee showth us the Catalogue) to bee printed anew and re-printed by Blau. As likewise his owne Philological Saxonical Worke of which Mericus Casaubonus hath also begun to write the very same observations that hee hath made. Id.
Blau. Amsterdam.
The Way of preserving it coole and fresh by Mr Lanyon's directions was to bury the vessel in fresh salt and springle water vpon it. Hee hath tried it very often and hee concieves that bier or ale may bee thus preserved for 20. years. But Mr Lanyon is to bee entreated to set downe the manner of it himself more perfectly.
Dispensatoria Oeconomica.
Ale. Bier
Pensa Lanyon
The 10. of April received an Account of Dr Paget's friend who hopes to finish the Invention of his Motion within 7. day's or such a matter. It vndertakes without any definition or determination to performe all things by Engine-Work's as far as the Materials can beare it. At any easy rate and to bring vp (amongst other things) a stone of 12. thousand weight to Pauls Church top with one man with an indifferent swiftnes.
The Inventor stays now to see it finished. His abilities lye mainly for Vitrification Mechanical

Motions and Chymistry. As for e.g. His Concave Glasse very great will bee ready also within a few daies. They have designed the 4. or part of all the profits for a stock towards Ingenuities. Mr Worsly.
Concave Glasses.
Oughtred hath reduced Algebraically Diophantus, Apollonius, Pergæus, a new Treatise of Trigonometry solving a Problema that could never bee solved. A System of the World after the Copernican Principles. Clavis Mathematica corrected and enlarged with 2. new Treatises. A Treatise of Watch-making in which his son excelles another excellent in the same Trade is sent to Travel in France to perfect himself in Watch-making. Hee is one of the hospitablest Ministers in all those Quarters. His living worth 150 lb. but cannot get halfe of the Tithes due to him. besides very much vndervalued in his Ministry. Of 78. years of age and therfore by right should get a Supersedeas. Had never any reward from any body. Mr Walker lived some time with him. Williamson.
Apollonius Pergæus
Systema Mundi
Sir P. Neale hopes about Midsommer to come to a perfect trial or experiment with his Optical Tubes Reeves being continually with him. Id.
Sir P. Neale.
His Historia Pelagiana very much enlarged. Lexicon Etymologicum VI. or VII. Tomes in folio. A Treatise de Idolatria short but very solid. His Grammatica very much enlarged etc. etc.
There is a woman of Ireland who gained from an old dying man a Receipt for an vniversal Medecin against obstructions, colick

stone which since shee hath made the Receipt being prised at 5. thousand lb. and now shee will not take vnder 500 lb. Sam's Land-Lady hath vsed it with great successe and hee is to bring the Woman to my Lady Ranalagh.
Irish Woman
There is a New Invention of a Agur by Lanyon or his friend, of 6. d. price with many advantages for boaring. Mr Worsley prefers it before Wheeler's Agur By it with 2. fingers you may doe as much as by the whole hand of an ordinary one, with many more conveniences.
Agur Inventiones
Mechanicæ Lanion
Samuel Carolus Kochelius a Hollenstein Praga Bohemus.
Theophilus Spinowski. Christophorus Spinowski. Simoni Schultio (Schultzen) Doctor Medicinæ Thorunensi. inscripsi Albo Amicorum 12. April 1651. Mundus Mare etc.
Mr Lanyons Paper-worke for a Lampe will last 4. Weeks together meerly of Paper twisted hard and neatly together and dipped in oile.
Dispensatoria Oeconomica
Worke of Lampes
Hee is making a Model of the rare Water-mill at Brussels.
Mill. Lanyon
Schoolmaster at Hitchin in Hartfordshire Mr Colliers acquaintance the 14. of April began to impart to him Reformed Schoole, Library keeper, Mr Dury's Discourse of Agency of Learning and W. Petty's Advice.
Mr Kempe.
Hee hath a very great schoole and 30. or 40. borders, is very ingenuous but cannot have much time to helpe the advancement of Learning. Mr Collier.
Hee told Mr Worsley of a certain Italian come to the Elector of Brandenburg who vndertooke the making of Plants as to keepe the same sent colour etc. and to produce quite
Hubner. Plants.

different Plants from one kind of seed, which is a thing preternatural, which is further to bee enquired after. Mr Worsly.
Hath Wife and Children, 2. of them being mariagble. Hee hath a Country-house in Essex about 12. miles from London with a curious Garden, and is very Metallical. Hee told him that zyn was to bee found in England, which is the thing that Glauber prises so highly. Id.
Zyn. Historia
Naturalis Angliæ
The Aurifaber at Amsterdam is the best mechanical man that ever hee met withal i.e. purely mettalical. Hee hath gotten an estate of 60. thousand lb. Now hee adventur's 12. hundred lb. vpon an Experiment of Tinne and something else in which Mr Morian hath also an Adventure and is a very promising busines. Id.
Aurifaber at Amsterdam
Hath a way of gilding which goes bejond Gold of which Experiment hee hath yet to shew a paire of gilt-spurres.
Mr Worsley likes of 1. Abstersifs or depurations that the blood may bee kept pure. 2. of all diuretick's to drive out of sweate and vrin. 3. Cordials. 4. furthering of digestions. 5. outward Applications 6. in chronical diseases a continued good dyet. 7. specifiques of simples. 8. or vniversal Medecins. vtterly rejecting vomiting, Purging, bloodletting.
Mr Worsly.
Lanyon hath perfected the new invented Augur, which hath several differential Properties from the ordinary ones, as 1. boaring far easier with 2. fingers or a hand in stead of the brest or whole hand. 2. all kind of boring may bee performed with one and the same Augur wheras ordinarily you must vse divers Augurs for making of one great hole. 3. the wood will never split with this wheras it doth with others. 4. nor need you first to make a hole before you vse it as you must doe with others. 5. a very Child may bore with this exactly which hee cannot doe with any other. Id.
Inventiones Mechanicæ

Hee hath an Experiment of making Powder which shall bee kindled by the sun, etc. - also lucriferous Experiments of Antimony. which hee should have fallen vpon first and afterwards prepared his vniversal or more approoved Medicins. Also an Experiment of preserving by way of decoctions the sent colour. shape. etc. of plants or flowrs. Id.
It is as good an Invention to observe Inventions and all manner of other vseful things invented and practised already in other Countries as to Invent truly New ones. For the former are without any peradventure at all wheras the other are yet subject to many vncertainties or seeming difficulties. Much more then are such Apodemical Observations to bee preferred before all those pausible or more rational Attempts which consist only in a bare Idæa or airy notion. Lanyon.
Didacticæ Apodemicæ.
Hee know's a special place or huge steepe Mountaine in the Nation where the Water is brought vp by cartes and horses which are vtterly spoiled. Therfore hee inferred that men should study the more the Inventions of raising of Water. Id.
If hee had not his new invented Augur hee could not goe about that worke of the Mill which hee is now a framing, for all the boring of that would infallibly split. Id.
Mr Bish a Parliament man formerly of Vniversal scholarship very well acquainted with Graves. Hee doth also encourage for the perfecting of Musica Veterum.
Mr Bish.
Viri Eruditi.
Musica Veterum
Edmund Chilmead Master of Arts and Chaplaine of Christ-church Oxon. who also translated Gaffarel. Hee it is that was competitor for Gresham College Professor of Musick his Excellency lying that way transcendently both in the

Theorie and Practick besides his Pensum to elaborate that de Musica Veterum in which also hee is like to out-strip Meibomius on the same subject. Hee is not vnknow'n to Mr Haack.
Musici Angliæ.
Mr Dymock's invention of water-works will bee of an vnspeakable benefit to [following two words transposed] National Husbandry in reference to fludding of Lands though their bee no river neare it, to cure the vsual droughts and to water the Lands as it were a garden.
Of which hee is to write and to shew more distinctly the vsefulnes of it. Mr. Dymock.
Mr Dymock. Invention
of Waterworks
Pensa Dymock
One Owefield neare Lanyon's house in Gray's inne an excellent smith made the new Agurs. which have only this inconveniency in them that they cannot performe so well as the ordinary ones a work of a long extent. Id.
Ofield Smith
Mr Walker (his Father) was keeper of the King's Game for all manner of Creatures. himself is one of the best Florists. Hee can best informe about the Abeale-Trees. Hee is of a free disposition like a King and very communicative.
Hee lives about St. Iames and is keeper of that Garden, but hath one of his owne being one of the best Gardens. Lanion.
At Zurich in dem Zeuck-haus there is an Augur wherby you can bore through a stone-wall without any noise. But few are permitted to see their Arsenal. Vnmussig.
Apodemica. Zurich.
Stephani Fahrmans Almanach contains an hauss-kalender. I have one 1651 but want those which goe before and follow after. Der Philosophiæ Magister [illeg. word] [Seeliger?] gebr. Pont vnd des Heiligen wort Gottes Predigers in Lipp-stadt. Gedruckt zu Luneburg vnd Dantzigk etc.
Stephan Fahrman.

Dr Glassius Medicus Ernesti Ducis Saxoniæ hath an vniversally approoved Receipt or Antidotum contra omnia venera wherby one may bee preserved for 12. years for 20 shillings or a ducaten. Mr Brandenburg who went away the 9. of April. 1651.
As for bartering I cannot give you any hopes of that the stationers of this Town being not at all to bee dealt withal in that kind, except by Men of their owne craft, wherof I have had experience both heretofore about my Animadversiones Scripturæ and Philosophiæ Reformatio and of late again about my Epistola Anti-critica, of neither of which I could get of so much as one Copie among the stationers, wheras Mr Vlack the Holland Book-merchant put off considerable numbers to them vpon very good termes. [Dr Boate?] to Mr Boncle.
Practica Agendi.
The Policy of Earths sands, etc. consists not soe much to forbid the exportation of them as rather to invite the workemen bejond seas themselves hither to teach our People here their Arts. Thus the English Clothers did vndoe ours some years agoe at AmsterAntwerp being gone thither out of discontent. This was Mr Frederick Lodowick's advice vpon my relation.
Politica Angliæ
Earth. Clay. Potters.
Bay-salt is better then ordinary- white salt to coole bottels in or to preserve bier wine or ale in it. Some that have great store of salt set their whole barrel in it, which will keepe it admirable well. Or otherwise in a double casket.
dispensatoria oeconomica
At Baldwins Garden by Gray's Inne at the hole in the wall there is singular good Ale brewed in a privat house by one of Mr Lanyons acquaintance. For it is boy
of Ale.

led two houres. And so doth himself brew excellent ale by putting a handful of hops into it. After 2. months it tastes yet very new though it bee very cleere. But if you keepe it a month longer in good cellar or in salt it is a most singular drinke, and the newnes will bee gone from it.
The former Ale is sold 3. d. a quart out of dores. Mr Lanion.
Hee know's a way how to make Rose-mary grow in a chimney, all the year long as I take it. Id.
A new invented saw that cuts brasse, iron, nailes and wood incomparable. A whole Case hee hath contrived for travelling vses with a saw, Agur, etc. which may bee called a Travelling Case.
A Travelling
One vse of the Load-stone to cure the paine of Teeth hee affirmed to bee very certaine by taking a little or smal piece of Iron in the forme of a bodkin and to touch it first with a Load-stone and afterwards to hold it betweene the Teeth which are pained it takes away the paines presently. Id.
A knight in Cheshire with many others have found a wonderful deale of good in the stone by vsing the powder once a weeke of dryed Haw's drunke in white wine. Lady Ranalagh.
Dr Heigenius got the foundation of his mighty Wealth in Portugal and Spaine by a smal Instrument of Iron from drawing Water out of Mines which hee discovered afterwards to the Earl of Lindsey to obtaine
Dr Heigenius.

the favor and Iustice of his great busines in controversy. The Earl caused the same to bee made in Grob street and Mr Haack and Ambassador Colbe saw the same.
Mr Haack remembers it soe well that hee conceeves hee can draw yet the Model of it (which Kalthof perhaps can best perfect or Fromantil) and that it was so portable as that it might bee carried vnder ones arme. Mr Haack.
Mr Morian hath a Boarer or Augur that can boare halfe a circle at once. Id.
There is a Paper of Rates as Bookbinders binde to Shops. as Cliffe the Bookbinder told mee.
Ars Agendi.
Oleum Vitrioli dulce is so highly commended in Morians Letters against Atrophia vniversali. which Vnmussig can prepare.
To preserve cherries nothing better then to put them into a pot of stone or glasse extreamly well closed and so to let them stand in a well or water where they may bee kept fresh a whole year. Vnmussig.
To preserve
In like manner if a whole barrel with wine bee put into water it will bee kept there for many years. Id.
Oeconomica dispensatoria
Iuniper-berries steeped in Elder-vinegar and 2. or 3 or 4. eaten every morning are a vniversal preservative in health. Id.
Iuniper-berries. Didactica
sanitatis. Dispensatoria
The doctor with whom Appelius hath lived hath done wonderful things with his oleum vitrioli dulce. Id.
The Goldsmith at Augsburg makes made his melting or refining Pots instead of glasse or earth of pure gold wherby hee hath gained or saved many thousands. Id.

The 23. of April seene the first time in Spring-garden a woodden device or cancelli to hang or drie smal clothes vpon.
Oeconomica dispensatoria
Washing. Inventiones
The Duke of Holstein hath sent Olearius his Mathematician to the Widdow of Helmont to obtaine those better Medicaments from her. Ex. lit. Morian.
Duke of Holstein
Mr Dury saw Stirky really to extract silver out of Antimony, which was in weight equal to Gold, and out of Iron Gold of a most high colour as your Rosenobles are. Hee may easily make of it 300. lb. a year. Mr Dury.
Antimony. Iron.
Worsley Morian and Aurifaber vndertake to turne that Antimonial silver into Gold. Also to extract Gold out of Tinne (for which they have set vp their great Work) and Gold out of Iron in great quantity.
Silver. Gold.
Lanyon also with all his Tin-busines will bee hugely helpeful to them all. Stirke is now pidling and toiling for smal quantities, wheras if hee joine, hee cannot but bee a vast gainer by them. Worsly.
Hee is now making a Model of a Water-mill to raise vp water 150. foot high. But it must always bee placed vpon a River and is not fit for mines. Otherwise it goeth as stil and quiet as a Watch in ones pocket. For 5. lb. it may bee kept in repaire. The hugest and greatest of them will not stand above one hundred lb. It is mainly applicable for conveying of Water to Cities houses etc. they commonly being built along the River. Any River though without a fall will serve turne. Lanion.
Lanyon. Water-mill.
Hee can make silver and Gold 3. ounces
Sterky. Antimony. silver gold.

but hee complaines that it is a round worke (to goe like a Horse in a Mill about one and the same Work continually) and if hee would vse more Instruments and had more accomodations hee might make as many ounces as hee pleased. Hee hath vowed if hee get the great secret not to make any privat benefit of it. Mr Dury.
Hee can turne also silver into Gold and extract Silver out of Tin. Er war am meisten vexiret die klumpen-silber bey dem Goldschmid zuzulassen. Etliche verwundern sich daruber dass es gantz vngleich dem anderen silber. Endlich traf er Einen an der Ihm so viel zahlete als Er forderte. Aber Mr Worsley berichtet dass solches gefòhrlich an Goldschmid zuverkauffen vnd dass es in der Muntze muss eingeliefert werden. Mr Dury.
Some cloth's are dyed with Woad, Madder and Logewood. Others are only with loghwood by which dore the knave creepeth in. The dye with Logwood is very orient but the colour soone fades away. But if it bee also with Woad and Madder the colour continues to bee good or tolerable. But the cloth being dyed mostly only with logwood the draper careth only for slight-made cloth and not so much looking that it was very well wrought. In former years English cloth would weare good colour and cloth for 20. years, but now scarce for 3. or 4. months etc. In fine Mr Withers advised till the Experientia with Logwood to fixe the Colour
Cloth dying

They make excellent Glasse at Dantzigh from Mr Clodius.
Quæstio An wheel tarras not a fitter Material for making kachl-ovens also then any other loame.
Pensa Wheel.
Mr Pel imparted a Chymical MS. De Vitriolo to Mr Clodius but very obscurely written and mistaking the Matter. Yet perhaps some hints may be gained by it.
MS Chymica
Grammatica Laurembergii most of all commended by Mr Clodius it being a Ianua of Examples.
Helmontiana told Mr Clodius that a special odoriferum of her Husband was Rose-water put vpon flower of Orenges. which makes a most excellent smel. Clodius.
Flow'r of Oreng's
There are two of purpose maintained by the Duke of Holstein which make daily Indices Materiarum on all the Bookes of his library, the Repositories being very stately and made after the fashion of Antwerp Iesuits Library. Id.
Bibliotheca. Duke of
Hostein. Indices
In the Library are placed all manner of the most curious Pictur's that the Duke hath procured. A great many hee hath bought of the King of England. Id.
The Chamber of Rarity of Paludanus bought for 4 thousand Rixdollars besides a brave Arsenal. Id.
Kunst-Kammer. Zeuckhauss
Some vse also to geld Cow's wherby the flesh becoms far more delicate. There is a booke of purpose written of the Art of Gelding. Pell.
Oeconomica dispensatoria
Gelding of Cows
An excellent water may bee made out of Gilliflowers of darke colour. Clodius.
Odorifera Gilliflower-water
The Chymical MS. of Stirk's Adeptus seemes somwhat obscure to Mr Pell. But Mr Clodius that if hee would but open one Passage vnto him the rest should bee so cleare as nothing could be clearer.
MS Chymica
Gerardi Ioannis Vossii et Aliorum, De studio-
Libri didactici

rum Ratione Opuscula. Vltrajecti, Typis Theodori ab Ackersdyck et Gisberti a Zyll. 1651, in great 12.
Index eorum quæ hoc libello continentur.
1. Gerardi Ioannis Vossii dissertatio bipartita cujus Pars Prior agit, Quibus disciplinis perfecta constet Eruditio altera quomodo varie adeo disciplinæ optime addiscantur. fol et
2. Ejusdem de Ratione Vniversam Legendi Historiam dissertatio.
3. Ejusdem de Imitatione tum Oratoria tum Poetica, deque Recitatione Veterum Libellus.
4. I. Lipsii de Ratione Legendi Historiam ad Nicolaum Hacquevillium Epistola.
5. Ejusdem de Recitatione in Conventu Publico et Privato ad Othonem Hartium Epistola.
6. Ejusdem de Notis et Notariis Veterum ad Leonardum Lessium Epistola.
7. Ejusdem Institutio Epistolica.
8. Ejusdem de distinctione et Interpunctione ad Hubertum Andeiantium Epistola.
9. Ejusdem De Bibliothecis Syntagma.
10. Hermanni Vulteii, De Studio Iuris Dissertatio.
11. Ægidii Mommerii De Ratione Legendi Discendique Iura ad Callimachum Hessum Epistola.
12. Iacobi Acontii De Investigandarum tradendarumque Artium et Scientiarum Methodo.

13. Ludovici Crocii De Ratione Studii Theologici Instructio.
14. Ioannis Heurnii De Medicinæ Studio instituendo Dissertatio.
15. Antonii Walæi De Officio Veri Studiosi Oratio.
There are one or 2. volumes more on the same subject and it is wished that these Opuscula may bee continued and thus printed together. Pell.
Pensa Eruditionis
A curious and accomodatious Weaving-Instrument mentioned by Mr Pell which the Swedish Baron Wolzogens wife did vse in Holland to get her subsistence by much used in Bohemia wherby waiscots in all manner of colours are exactly woven. as likewise any other matter.
in Sweden
Woltzogen being Mathematical can easily send a description with a delineation of it.
It is very portable in a manner of a Writing-deske and not much bigger, so that it might bee hid vpon a suddaine when any come to see her.
By this much more may be gotten then by making of bone-lace. Mr Pell.
Mr Worsly shewed me two sorts of black lead the one very much surpassing the other in goodnes as he shewed in a new kind of Table-booke made of ebeny, not ivory in black, with a measure of 4. inches vpon it.
Black lead.
Hee told mee also that he had gained from a friend at Rome the rarest Receipts of making of Essences and of Aqua Angelorum or Aqua Romana, that ever hath beene in this world. The most delicat soft and spirituous reviving smel that ever hee had smelt.
Receipt of Essences
or spirits

It far excels all that ever Stirke hath made. But withal he confessed it was to bee vsed only vpon choice and delicat flowers as Iessemin, Roses, Citron and Orenge flowers, etc. Stirk's way vpon woods Gummes Aromata etc. stil remaining the best. But Orange flowers and roses etc. were two ingredients but not all. which 2. former Helmont vsed. Mr Worsley.
In Italy and at Rome this Receipt to be learnt, which consisted more in a delicat Enchyrosis then in any thing else and was done in a short time but by a meanes never heretofore practised. Id.
The fore-said weaving Bohemian Loome or Artifice Woltzogen vsed to call it The Petty Mysterie, which may be an imploiment for Women of Quality. and Doughty hee and she to shew the vse of it.
Didactica Mulierum
Imploiement of Women
The mystery of Aqua Angelorum lyes much in the right tempering and proportionating the quantities of the ingredients.
Aqua Angelorum
It may be that these Receipts are found in Fiorevanti or the like Author.
Bauhin late Herbal is likewise to be observed who shew's the Way's of distilling-Cookery etc. to every herbe which hitherto hath beene wanting in other Herbals.
Art of distilling.
Bauhin Herbal.
It's observable also that at Groningen to the Hortus Botanicus was annexed a laboratory or distillatory which should be by right to every such Garden. Mr Pell.
Hortus Botanicus
There are cheese-cases made on purpose in the Low Countries which are brought vpon the Table as it were in state containing 2. or 3. cheeses in one case. Pell.
Dispensatoria Oeconomica
Against firing of Ships Lanion says nothing better then to mingle with cockel-shels. Mr Worsley.
Ships. Firework.

Dr Harveigh complains to have lost amongst other things his Anatomical Histories of his Patient sick-bodies when he was plundred. A worke of extraordinary great vse in Physick and wherin that part of Learning is yet very defective. For the Anatomies which we have are commonly made vpon healthy and strong bodies which are executed, but the diseased ones will afford other kind of matter and bee far more advancing that kind of study then the other. Something of it hee hath yet left which perhaps he may publish. Mr Wiliams.
Dr Harveigh.
of sick bodies.
It may be much perfected if out of Herbals Vniversals that were taken out by itself which is peculiar to that Country only of which such a History is to be made. Id.
Historia Naturalis.
The Experiment of it is made out of Antimony and hard to bee made. But it also is imparted to Mr Clodius which makes haire both grow and curle. Clodius.
Clodius. Haire-
In diseases of the Guts or Volvulus and when the excrements cannot be voided. being grown so hard nothing better then to give the Patient a good quantity of Quicksilver which alone can doe it etc. Mr Clodius.
Diseases of guts.
Volvulus Costivenes.
In long vojages to the East Indies of the lower men the Chirurgians are forced sometimes by dilating the passage to take it out by Instruments dextrously etc. Mr Pell.
Souldjers can cure themselves presently in the Colick by taking in a leaden bullet which is a present remedy. Id.
Colick Leaden bullet.

The Augustus Tulip is one of the bravest and most lasting. They are not only for ornament but certainly also of some Medicinal Excellency if this point were studied and better searched out then yet it hath beene.
As the Ficus Indica which since hath beene found good against the stone etc. which colour's as I take it the very Vrine and so penetrats into the bladder etc. which Helmont approoves the more. Mr Clodius.
Ficus Indica
Clodius reject's altogether Anatomy of sick bodies as frivolous, and no lesse irrational then the former. Harveigh a Galenicus. Id.
Clodius. Anatomie.
Corrar hath the true Ludus. Id.
Dr Corrar Ludus
Oratio Funebris Botanici Bredani Cuius Idæa a Pellio suppeditata multa insignia de eius vita memorantur.
Botanica. Pell.
There is an excellent booke written in high-dutch about Education called Iohannis Michælis Mocheroch Insomnis Cura Parentum printed at Strasburg in 8. Clodius.
Libri selecti
de Educatione.
A cozen of Mr Clodius hath it.
The Booke called Bibliotheca Germanico-Gallico-Svedica etc. containes a discovery of all manner of state mysteries. Id.
Politici libri
Sir B. Rudyard said the Parliament's vnderstandings were good but their Intelligence was not worth a rush. Pell.
Sir Benjamin
Rudyard Intellegere
Mr Cox related a great Vndertaking of Improvement by lime of one thats came into their Country
Mr Coxe
Lime Salisbury
As also another for watering of Lands of both which he hath promised to give an account. Coxe.
Scorpions are commonly procured with a great deale of difficulties, which might bee prevented by a way which Mr Clodius knows to breed them as many as you please. And then the Oile made out of it and good gaine gotten by it. His Father hath tried the Experiement, and he think's England far more fitter for it. Clodius.
Oile of

Tanckmarus of Hamburg a great Chymist and Mr Dury's special acquaintance and very well acquainted with the Woman which makes all manner of Chymical Oiles.
Chymist. Hamburg
Langerman is the great Materialist of Hamburg.
Stirki Experiment of making of Ice in the hottest roome or summer would bee of great worth in Italy where the Cardinals vse to bring to their Tables pieces of Ice to coole their drinks withal, which they must procure with a great deale of paines care and charge, which is here avoided.
Experientia Physica
Ice. Dispensatoria
oeconomica drinke.
Didactica divitiarum.
Italy Cardinals.
Within these 20. years mighty improovements have beene made in Holsatia, Sweden etc. of all manner of improovements especially of many Plants and Flowers etc. Clodius.
Holsatia. Svecica
Pomerania and Mechlenburg abound greatly with Cherries and the great black ones are especially to bee noted. Id.
Pomerania Mecklenburg
Moat hath published at Stockholm a booke in folio, Botanicam Svecicam, himself being the Queen's Botanicus.
Botanica Svecica
Laurembergii Horti-Cultura much commendet by Mr Clodius.
Odores Florum to perpetuate them no better way then per Aquas Essentiatas Paracelsi. Id.
Garlick and Onions of marvellous efficacy. If one put onions into stinking Waters in his Travels or other Liquor's they will draw all the poisonous and ill qualities out of them.
Garlick. Onions. Aqua
Didactica Apodemica
Cure of Water
stinking or poisoned
A remarkable story is related by Helmont of one who was racked and tormented and yet was perceaved not to feele any excessive paines. But all being spent and after <a new> racking confessing all, he told them how he vsed to arme or harden himself against such tortures, which was only with garlick or Onions and aqua vitæ brandwein, which he tooke before racking. Id.

It hath beene observed that flowers or nosegay of flowers having beene put into a dead mans hand, they have kept exceeding fresh for 2. or 3. day's. by reason of the exceeding coldnes which is in dead bodies as likewise it's natural mumia. Id.
Preserving of flowers.
Dead bodies.
An Art of preserving Milke that it shal not sowr, though it stood in the sun, as likewise other liquors is by the smoake of Brimstone.
Art of preserving Milk
Liquors. etc.
The like is directed for preservation of the juices of herbes etc. etc. by Helmont.
So to put some drops of Spirit of Sulphur into wine or sawces or confections made with wine it will preserve it. Id.
The wife of Colonel Clarke of Algate related of huge big Gilli-flowers as broad as a Rixdollar, which she hath seene which were fit to bee put vp in Glasses for a whole year.
Colonel Clarke.
One Simons neare Worcester-house is counted one of the best Engravers in England. Sam.
London. Engraver.
Olearius imparted an excellent Art of Representations or Poussiren to Mr Clodius wherby every thing or object one pleases to have, may bee set forth to the Life which is excellent for the scope of Encyclopedia Singularium etc.
Oleariis. Clodius.
Art of Poussiren.
Encyclopædia singularium.
Iohannis Baptistæ Ferrarii Dea Flora.
Flowers. Botonici scriptores
Ejusdem Georgii Fisher Blumen-garten. Anno. 1646, whom Mr Clodius counts one of the best.
The fore-said Ferrarius hath written also a Treatise De Malis Aurantiis which hee calleth Horti Hesperii.
Another Switzer <Ragerius> ex professo hath written Vom Obst-vnd Wein-garten, in 8. written 10 years agoe.
The Elector of Brandenburg one of the greatest Florists. Clodius.

In the Marke of Brandenburg there is a singular kind of Turnep exceeding sweet. Mr Clodius.
In Moscovia are excellent good Apples which are in a manner diaphanous or transparent and melt vpon ones tounge when they are eaten. The way of planting or transplanting is not so much by seeds or kernels but by slips or straussen to prop them, which within 2. or 3. years wil make them yield fruit.
And for those of Moscovia the best way would bee to have them first brought into Livonia and from their nurseries and plantations to disperse them into Holsatia and other Countries. Olearius nî fallor writes of these Moscovian fruits or apples, who is also a notable man for poussiren and advancing of the Encyclopedia Sensualium. Clodius.
One suggested an Oeconomical Contrivance for saving the expences which the Prince was at for his Court to have all bought out of his owne stores. To which purpose there was a great House built called das Commiss-house but it's designe was not prosecuted. Id.
Historia Holsatiæ
Faber goes far bejond Hauptman as this doth bejond others. But the preparations of his Medecins are too tedious and operose. and Stirke and himself hath far better and more compendious Physicks. Clodius.
Sir Edmond Bacon in Suffolk a man of 80 years now dead was a very curious Man for all manner of curiosities and Natural Rarities and Experiments especially about stones and Iewels in which he had made several Experiments. Amongst others he had tried much the Mechanical ways of the Art of flying. His MS. are to be
Sir Edmund. Bacon
Stones Iewels

enquired after by Mr Coxe the 2. Bacons, Nathaniel and Francis, and others. Mr Coxe.
Coxe. Nathaniel
Not only Mr Tuckers seeds of Grasse but there is also another in those Quarters who makes 10 lb. an acre of his grasse of which he promised to procure it the seed. Mr Coxe.
Grasse of England
Seeds of a New
An incredible benefit will redound to the whole Nation by Mr Dymock's watring or floating-Invention, there being many thousands of places that stand in special need of it and wherby being pasturage they may be greatly enriched. His exceeds far the others, for instead of a spoone-full he can affoord whole hogs-heads and doe it as fast as the other. Mr Dymock projected how a great estate might easily be raised this way by hiring vp and downe or compounding for such kind of Lands. Dymock.
Dymock. Watring
or floating Invention.
Didactica Divitiarum
Mr Dymock hath observed a peculiar kind of stone which is to be had in great plenty, which seemes to be ful of metalline qualities.
Stones of England
Mr Lucas the Carpenter which buildes the 2. Bosses for my Lord General and a mighty lover of planting of fruit-trees. Mr Harmer.
Mr Lucas.
The 26. of Iulj an excellent old booke was given me by Mr Boncle called. - Certaine Experiments concerning Fish and Fruite. Practised by Iohn Taverner, Gentleman. and by him published for the benefit of others. London. Printed for Will. Ponsonby. 1600. in 4to. Pag. 38.
Husbandry of fish. fruit.
Dr Engelbrecht at Göthen got a MS. Chymical
Dr Engelbrecht.

of an English Philosopher written in parchment in old characters but with very faire and great Marginals which Helmont hath filled with his Notes.
MS Chymica
Helmont writes as plain as any of the great write but all along concisely that is truly Philosophically.
Helmontus Philosophers'
For there is a great difference betweene writing Philosopically and sophistically, the latter involving lyes and falsehoods with long discourses and enigmatical digressions, the other writing truths though mystically yet truly but concisely which the filii Artis may come to vnderstand.
Difference between
Philosophical and logistical
Enchiridion Physicæ Restitutæ and his the Adeptus MS. illustrate in a manner one another so that the one in a manner is a Clavis to the other.
Philosophers' stone.
Hee could not find nor Mr Pell the Authors name out of his Anagramma as is pretended (the motto being Spes mea in Agno. Andrews.
The same Author hath written another Treatise called De Aquis.
Libri selectiores
Lullius, Geber, Hermes, Novum Lumen Chymici- Sendivogii and his other Tracts. Helmont.
Mercurius currens is the matter but in the preparation lyes all the mystery and is very endangering of health.
Paracelsus writes often sophistically but not so Helmont. who is said also to have made Notes vpon Chirurgia Vniversalis Paracelsi. Clodius.
Paracelsus. Helmont. MS.
Hartmannus an excellent Physitian and had very rare Medicaments and done very great and eminent cures amongst others he treates of his Arcana of extracting of spirits out of herbes etc as the Valeriana etc. The same that hath commented vpon Crollius.
But Agricola is a meere braggadocio writing of many things as if he had tried them, which he never did. Id.
Agricola in Poppysmate

Valeriana is very common in the gardens in Holstein and else where but scarce in England.
The essence of it made according to Hartmannus Arcanum nothing better against dim-sightednes or any other infirmities whatsoever concerning the ey's, advising Albureth by all meanes to vse it. Id.
Helleborus albus is nought to be vsed in a Sternutatorium (which yet Albert did vse preposterously) but Helleborus niger is very good. Id.
Helleborus albus sternutatorium.
By some bodies instigation Gleen was made to fall vpon some of Helmonts houses which he plundred and set on fire, wherin many excellent writings of his perished. Amongst others a great Volume of letters written by himself and by others to him about many Arcanæ. Id.
Historia Helmontiana.
Helmont Volum of Letters.
Quid est sint Columbæ Dianæ? which yet Mr Clodius is to seek out for the perfecting himself in the vnderstanding of this mystery. Id.
Chymica Quæstio Columbæ Dianæ. Philosophers' Stone.
Mr Hinshaw got a MS. when Hopton's (who was Leger Ambassador in Spaine) library was sold wherin are set down the Receipts of all the Curious Perfumes of Spaine whatsoever. For when the fore-said Ambassador lived there he had all the curious Perfumers and Perfumes made at his House at Madrid. for he vsed to furnish with them several Noblemen of his acquaintance here in England. The stationer gave him this MS. to boot as a trivial thing, which yet exceeded far the Spanish books which he bought.
MS Perfumes
Old Libraries.
NB. This is one President how to improove the saile of such old libraries. Mr Hinshaw.

Despagnet is the Author of Enchiridion Physicæ Restitutæ. Id.
In one of the Westminster Gardens are found all the Plants spontaneously growing in England, of which the particulars are in Phytologia. Id.
Westminster Garden.
Rulandi Opera counted excellent books by Mr Clodius. Id.
Selectiores Libri Medici.
The Duke of Holstein's opera amongst others are
1. The Persian Iourney, written by Olearius.
2. A Persian Chronologie.
3. Opus Botanicum.
4. Publishing Opera Helm(ontii) inedita. Id.
Duke of Holstein.
The Opus Botanicum is to be contrived after a singular manner. As 1. to every Plant its Virga Metallica. 2. Its signatura. 3. Its microscopium, all which have never beene handled by any others.
Virga Metallica.
By the Microscope you may see whither the juices or liquors of the Plant bee thick or thin etc. which determines much the vse of it in Physick or making of Medicins. Id.
Microscope. Plants.
Another excellency of the fore-said Herbarium is that the scala shal bee set downe to every Icon which shal bee most lively represented also.
For the Duke causes all Plants first to bee draw'n most exactly in Colours which are the more ad vivum though least lasting being done only in water ohne alle farbe which are kept in a huge stately book in his Library, there being also a Blumen-Mahler of purpose maintained by him. Id.
Pictures. Botanica.
A scale to Plants.
The Relations annexed to Olearius his Persical Travels concerning the Chineses are very remarkable

and far more true exact and singular then by any other former discoveries. Id.
The Author of them a Gentleman of Mecklenburg was at last debauched by Rantzau dying at Paris of the french and not the smal Pox as was pretended. Id.
Merians Historia Vniversalis in high-dutch a Worke of 36 Rixdollars very highly commended by him as an excellent Epitome or system of Historia Vniversalis. Id.
Merian. Historia Vniversalis.
The Latin Edition of Olearius much more augmented then the German and ful of cuts. Id.
Clusii Opus De Fungis in MS. never extant on this subject before and done very exciting by him, the Duke of Holstein like to buy it out and to cause it to be printed. Id.
Clusii. MS de Fungis.
Ens Veneris excellently good in all womens-diseases. Id.
Ens veneris.
No field-peace yet are found in Holsatia. Also not long agoe there were no castles in it to bring their goods into in case of war which this Duke hath built in his reigne. Also several other Plants and fruits that were wanting. Id.
Natural History of Holsatia.
Boores in Moscovia make good Vinegar out of pure-Water. Helmont hints the same somwhere - Therefore to be re-experimented. Id.
Helmont. Water.
The dying stuffe or weedes (which vpon paine of death are forbidden to be carried out of Silesia) are for all this by some brought into Holsatia to Mr Clodius father who is Experimenting the planting of them in that Country. Id.
Dying weedes of Silesia.
He intends to advise the Duke for commending the planting of Trees etc. and then shew how to make wine. As likewise the making of al strong Waters there.
Holsatia. Politica.

It was told Mr Dury that Olaus Worms was writing a History of Witches and Spirits. Mr Dury.
Olaus Worms. Spirits. Witches.
It were operæ pretium to excerp and collect out of the Helmontian Works all the most approoved Medecins and Experiments which he expressly mentions, E.g. the Medecin to facilitate Child-bearing.
Ex an Eeles heart and liver dryed into powder which is a kind of a kinne to the serpent. and so checks the devil.
Pensa Helmontiana.
So, against bloody flix ex Ungula Equi etc. fried and pulverized etc. Clodius.
Bloody flix.
Helmont's Works as a key to nature and therfore they to bee studied and presently practised as having tried them before. Id.
Didactica Physica.
The Essence of flowers vulgarly so taken is but the sulphur of flowers <which gives the odors>, the essence or inward being is quite another thing which can never be vnderstood rationally but only intellectually more Helmontiano. Id.
Essence of flowers.
Vpon the relation of making sugar out of Apples Mr Clodius respondit that he could see no ground for it to beleeve it. because that it could not bee brought to any kernulation (kernuliren) but to make the same Experiment of Hony that he asserted and approoved off, except that by trial th and fermentation there might be found out some other secret ground to accomplish that other Experiment. Id.
Sugar. Apples.
The Experiment of making good Wines Aqua-Vitas Vinegars out of fruit as Apples. etc. he affirmed to bee very certain and wish't that Glauber might be set apart to perfect all such kind of Experiments. Id.
Wine. Aqua vitæ. Vinegar.

The Countriman's making of Vinegar in Moscovia was this. Hee tooke a Vessel into which he put some Quarts or gallons etc. of good Vinegar, hee stirred the Vessel vp and downe as it were fermenting the wood with it afterwards he put cleere water into it and set it vpon a hott oven as they have in those Countries for some weekes, and so got an excellent Vinegar. Id.
Making of Vinegar.
Aqua est Principium omnium Rerum which Helmont deduces. et Pyrotechnia principium totius Physicæ. All things can bee resolved into their water, out of that several other Experiments can be made [per?] 3. a regen. Id.
Didactica Physica.
The Moone doth not borrow her light from the sun as vulgo. Scripture witnessed the same, for in Genesis said that God creavit duo Luminaria. Id.
They are quite different things to dye ex imbecillitate vitæ (as Helmont wrote he did dye) and to dye ex Causa or causis mortificis. Id.
Helmontian Death.
The booke of Smuck or Smith an excellent one and most approoved, as to the Physical and Oeconomical hundred Experiments. Amongst the rest that of shooting of deare to returne to the same place if it bee missed the first time, was told him by a Huntsman to bee very true etc. Id.
Experientia Physica Oeconomica.
Harsdorfers delitiæ Mathematicæ describe how to order a Chesse-play with persons as frawen [zimmer?] zu [hof?] etc.
So in schoole-play's Male et femal. Id.
The Liquor of the Alcahest, itself is an Vniversal Medicin. Id ex Stirk.
Stirke hath imparted Receipt of Oile of Benjevin to Id.
Clodius. Oile of Benjevin.
Mr Smith the Globe-maker neare the Glasse-house at Ratlife.
Mr Smith.
          [Unfinished Text? End of 1651]